Sober Job Seekers Unite

@JohnSee Job clubs (a.k.a work clubs) are open sessions set up to help people look for employment.
Computers are available to use and in some cases phones as well. We provide help using computers for those who are not very IT literate, filling in online application forms and CVs etc

They are Government funded schemes and given our decreasing number of customers a week, it was cut to 2 hours a week. Of course there are other clubs in the area but they are not looking for staff.

I need to look for additional if not alternative work, my problem is I am very restricted in what I can apply for…
Retail and catering would involve working hours outwith my childcare capability.
Office work would be my obvious choice as people always love to point out, but my problem with that is I can’t work with telephones - it’s not that I have impaired hearing, I struggle to understand what people are saying to me face to face, and over the phone it’s even worse.

It’s one of the main reasons I lost a previous job after only 4 months (that and the high pressures of the office that I simply wasn’t experienced enough for).
And because the problem with my hearing is not medically diagnosed it’s not taken seriously by employers.
I worry that if I go for the same line of work again and end up in a similar predicament I will be up sh*t creek without a paddle.

The place I am now, though only 2 hours, they are the guys who took me on when I lost the previous job. I had volunteered with them before so when I lost the job, they snapped me up. They were my lifeline.
So I guess my point is, I’m scared to take a risk that could lead me something much better because it could just as easily leave me with NOTHING.

Sorry for rambling on, this has been playing on my mind really heavily this weekend.

Hi @Zara thanks for explaining “job club” there is a similar concept here, under various names.

Sorry about your situation, I didn’t know about your hearing disability. What is this condition know as if anything? Is it maybe neurological?

I have hearing loss that was diagnosed years ago, but I never tried a “hearing aid”, not sure if it would help me. I am ok with clear 1-on-1 conversations, but not with any large rooms or background noise. (basically I have about 10 ways of asking people “what?”)

My wife and in-laws suggested I “sub” as a teacher, but I cannot hear anything in a classroom setting with kids. My wife even suggested an opening she saw for 911 emergency operator - I asked if she wanted people to die?! :smile:

Anyway it’s ok, please ramble away. I always do. I hope you find more options.

Monday is the hardest day of the week for me. Job-search and training tasks all start up after the weekend. Using my anti-procrastination list, but dragging my feet a bit today. Going to get to it now!

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Hi @Danielle_Nicole_Oval. Snail mail, that was almost nice of them! I got one via email last week. Interview practice is always a good idea - but only if we get a thicker skin and not take it personally. Feel don’t settle unless you absolutely have to financially. Happy hunting.

Haha ye it’s so hard to get going on Mondays!

My hearing problem seems to match a lot of the symptoms of audio processing disorder which is neurological. Had the ears tested after I lost the job, there was no signification damage. Asked audiologist if it could be APD, he said ye could be, I’d just have to learn to listen better, not very helpful.

I’m the same as you, any background noise and I’m lost. Have to watch TV with subtitles (closed captions) often struggle to understand what my kids are saying. I haven’t alway been like this, I once worked as a telephone operator. Certainly couldn’t now :joy:

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Oh that is interesting, had not heard of APD. That is challenging. Just for curiosity I tried to google “good jobs for hearing impaired” buy of course google just flooded me with job sites & ads! Maybe other search engine better.

I once interviewed a deaf programmer when I was working. IT is one field where deaf people can work because of docs/emails/messenger, etc. But it’s still a challenge.

I watch tv/movies with CC as well. Funny thing is, my family got so used to it, they use CC even when I’m not watching! That way they don’t miss any dialog.

Hi Sober Job Seekers, to switch gears a bit. Not sure who was on this other topic I started about how addiction and procrastination feed off of each other. (I pasted the link below) but what came out of it was a compiled list of anti-procrastination ideas from people and myself. This I believe especially applies to job search. Here is my most recent version. I print it each day and keep it on my desk. let me know what people think, or if you have other ideas regarding procrastination and job-search:

Latest Anti-Procrastination list:

  • Procrastination can be about fear, discomfort, and confusion - it is not a trait of a person
  • Turn negative thoughts about a test into positive desires and outcomes. For example “I don’t want to study” into “I want to get an A!”
  • Break a daunting task into smaller bites or chunks
  • Write out a plan with a set of goals or milestones
  • Create specific to-do lists
  • When you have free time, FIRST do one productive/needed task THEN do the entertaining or low-priority task
  • Block off at least 3-4 hours for productive job-search / skill-building activities, try for more
  • Reward tasks done with downtime or something entertaining
  • Set an alarm and get up/ready as if you are going to work, and get enough sleep the night before
  • No watching TV/movies during normal “work” hours except for say a lunch break
  • Learn from motivational videos
  • Stay sober! - or nothing will ever get done



@Zara @JohnSee

Thanks for the kind words, i was just bummed about my first rejection here in Atlanta.I think rejection in general is a trigger for me when it comes to drinking. But i’m staying strong, 84 days sober and will not beat myself about getting rejected, just brings up old wounds for me. Wow job hunting is hard enough I cant imagining the struggles being faced with hearing loss & job hunting.Job interviews are so judgy which really grinds my gears about the whole process. I know we will all find the right job for us, just have to be patient. I know thats another problem I have, is putting pressure in myself which stresses me out and makes me want to drink but I know I don’t need a drink. Thanks for helping to ease the pain without drinking.

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Hey @Danielle_Nicole_Oval. Thank also. I definitely sympathize with you about rejections and the process. Wish I could be these candidates who don’t give a sh*t and brush it all off. So much of it also is random luck and very subjective, depends on the interviewer, their mood that day, how quickly they judge, biases, etc. It’s not always about the candidate.

Well today I got a phone call about a job I really want and i’m feel pretty excited right now!!! I swear life is a roller coaster of emotions one minute your up and the next your down. Good thoughts needed, I hope this goes well all, thanks for positive motivation. I am giving it to God and hope something great will be happening for me very soon. Thanks :grin: gotta keep the faith :innocent: No matter what happens gotta stay grounded & sober 87 days strong.

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Oh that’s great @Danielle_Nicole_Oval, what a great boost to your day!! :sunny: I’ll keep my fingers and everything else crossed for you.

If it’s meant to be for you, it will be :rainbow:

Thanks, I already interviewed & they were talking money so I’m feeling good, so far. Appreciate the good vibes, sending vibes your way as well. :hugs:


Hey all! Just updated my resume for the first time since 2013! I’m going to be heading back out into the working world after staying home with my son for the past year.

I have to wait until August because we are moving back to the East Coast in July. But I am very excited to start putting the feelers out and lining something up for after the move! :blush:


Yay, welcome to ‘the club’ @MissQuinn :smile: you’re all inspiring me to get my butt in gear! I just can’t do it on my own :purple_heart:


Hi @Danielle_Nicole_Oval yeah that sounds hopeful!, especially since they were talking money like you mentioned. Sending my best wishes. :rainbow:

Phew! Ok just made the call to my ideal job. Wrote a cover letter. Emailed the hiring manager directly with the cover letter and resume AND filled out the online application. The only problem is that they are looking for someone NOW. So hopefully I talked myself up enough for them to hold a position for me!

No pressure lol


Hey @MissQuinn. That’s great, crossing fingers. Whatever happens you took the steps you needed to apply. That’s what matters!

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Thanks @JohnSee! I really hope I get it but if not there are other options. I have 3.5 months before I’m even in the area. Just hoping for this one because it would be an easy commute. :slight_smile:

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Oo this is so exciting. Putting lots of prayers out to the universe for you! :purple_heart:


Lol…i’m getting a little restless here in Georgia, I feel like i’m so close to getting a job…poof no job and to be honest it’s very stressful looking for a job & maintaining focus.

I was napping and missed a phone call to setup a second interview, i’m sure she will call me back tomorrow but still I feel stressed out here :joy::joy::joy: I had to wake @ 4am to take boyfriend to airport, and so I was really really tired. (Not an excuse) just beating myself up which I know is useless. :persevere:

This will be my 4th interview total during my search, please pray for me :innocent: I need it because geeze job hunting his hectic for me. Being judged over, and over again, then the rejection after rejection is really annoying me and tough juggling during early recovery.

Also not to be egotistical after college I have never had such a difficult time finding a job, ok well I lie Vegas was a tough place to survive but I did it.

Damn it i’m trying to keep my cool. Its tough though I have to keep trucking. :sunglasses: It’s funny I am trying to get passionate about the process but finding it hard.

Actually I think I may go to an AA meeting tonight because I have never gone and maybe I need to put my big girl panties and do just do it. Thanks for listening!!

Peace & Love

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Hi @Danielle_Nicole_Oval You know I feel for you man! It is very stressful, and we all here should probably work on methods to make it less so. But in the meantime it is what it is right. This is not just a sobriety problem, it’s stressful for almost anyone.

Just a question, if you missed the call, are you able to be proactive and call them back or email them about setting up a second interview? Usually companies don’t depend on you being able to answer the phone right then and there - it’s not realistic in this day and age.

I’m an athiest, but heck I’ll pray for you anyway! Or def send good wishes your way :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:

And it’s not egotistical, I too used to have people calling me to offer interviews and jobs! When I worked at a big firm. Now I have to hunt right.

Hope you try an AA meeting anyway, I find them helpful.

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