________Anonymous Meeting Here

I’ve not heard of sponsor training before. Can you tell me about it?

Amen. Very true! Well done living in the moment. I have to ask do you think it might have been the case where you were excited over your 6 months and when you slowed down your addict brain was lurking in the shadows? At any case great job and great sharing

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Actually, yes! I have to be very mindful and vigilant around milestones because that bastard likes to test me. Not so much the obnoxious voice anymore but it pokes me with a stick in other ways.

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I haven’t heard of sponsor training either. How does that work @DrunkNoMore

So I asked the guy I have been thinking of asking to sponsor me. Im excited to get a new perspective on things and start the steps again.

On another note, I was talking with someone about making amends and how the longer we stay sober more people will pop up on our 4th 8th and 9th step. My daughters grandpa lives across the street from me. I was mowing the lawn and thought about it and said to myself “if he comes out and I see him, I will ask if he can talk for a few minutes”. He did and I’m glad he did, I made amends with the past things I did and said to him and his daughter and where I’m at and that I’m in the program. It went okay, nothing drastic. But we cleared the air and I’m happy I don’t have to hold a resentment about him anymore.


Yep. We won’t remember everything on our inventory or our amends lists. They will pop up over time. That’s part of our growth.

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i sat at a big book table last night and after reading a guy shared about a part we read which he said he’d never noticed/thought about previously. he had over 5 years sober and his copy of the bb was all highlighted and underlined and what not. just cool cause it shows there is always new stuff to pick up on like you mentioned w new perspective.

also glad to hear about clearing up that amends. keep it up :slight_smile:

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Lmao. My big book is highlighted, underlined, and even tabbed. Stuff written in the margins, post-it notes, and people in recovery that I respect wrote messages. What I’ve found is that the book is so expertly written, that I’ll come across things previously read that has new meaning, something I’ve never comprehended before makes sense, etc. That’s why they say…study it.


Most definitely always finding new meanings in the BB. When I picked it back up again this time I saw what I had highlighted before, one line every 20 or so pages, and it means something completely different now. But now there is so many different colors and notes and brackets in it. Starting to like the way it looks


Worked through my resentments and completed step 5 tonight, it has been a big jump and took me 3 weeks to get through, the biggest challenge is the guy who murdered my cousin, I’ve got comfortable in my head though that he must be sick to have done what he did. I can help him by letting my anger go? By those in my day to day life I need to let my anger go also, by being helpful it doesn’t mean bowing down to people’s demands, it is setting healthy boundaries, staying calm and setting out your position in a reasonable way. I actually got hit with one almost immediately with my ex this time and had to put it in to practice straight away. I am praying for him.

For my fears I have to trust in God, I have to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable knowing that it shall pass and by keeping faith in the fact God will guide me in the right direction. It’s like the saying, you have nothing to fear but fear itself, it’s letting those fears overwhelm you which leads you down the self destructive path and if you take a moment to let God in and guide you, he/she will navigate you away from fear.


Woo-hoo @Daithi that’s awesome. You’ve come a long way, baby! Work that recovery! :smiley:

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You are an inspiration @Daithi! I am still working through Step 3, so I am hopeful after reading your post. You have reminded me that these feelings will pass and I need to learn how to live in the moment with all these feelings. Even the negative feelings! I’ve always thought that I was afraid of nothing! Now I’m learning through working my programs that fears manifest themselves in different ways for each individual. Now I am learning that I DO have fears - fear of driving people away and being alone, fear of not being a good mom or that I ruined those relationships with my drinking, etc. You are exactly right that these fears can lead us down the path to destruction. Thank you so much for sharing :blush:

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I strongly believe that “normies” could benefit from the life skills we learn in the program. Imagine if everyone worked the steps and had eye opening light bulb moments like this.

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I so agree with you @Melrm. These skills are helpful to everyone and are universal. I was talking with a friend of mine today and she was lamenting that her husband was so angry all the time and held on to bad feelings about how his father treated him when he was young. I went right to my program and Step work and talked with her about ‘resentments’. I shared the classic one for us: Holding resentments is like drinking poison in the hopes the other person willl die! I used that in regards to her husband - he was holding that resentment and the only person he was hurting was himself! She was grateful for our conversation. I was grateful for AA and my HP :blush:

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I’m addicted to pornography… I don’t really know what else to say.

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Are you working a recovery program?

The only recovery program I have is Sober Time. :sweat_smile:

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I actually relapsed today I’m a shamed to say…:weary:

I suggest you find an SA meeting and start working on the solution to your addiction.

Ok. Ill have to look when I go off to college.

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