1 week here I come

6 days and counting. Spent the day doing laundry and really just keeping low key. Went for a run yesterday and a hike today. Think I’ll just keep checking in. My wife is amazing and I love her but she doesn’t understand what this insanity is like.


Congrats dude!!! :smiley: 6 days is HUGE!!! The first few days are always the worst, but I’m glad you seem to be feeling better already. Keep it up :slight_smile:

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Hi Korad,
A daily checking in is a really good thing to do! I will add the thread where we all doing that.
Feel free to join, it’s a very active thread with loads of support!

Congratulations for the 6 days :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Way to go!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Congrats on 6 days! I spent a lot of time my first part of sobriety checking in and connecting here. It really helped me a lot especially when I was in tough situations. It was like I had a sober family just waiting for me in my pocket whenever I needed them. I get pretty busy from time to time and can’t always connect like that as much but I always try to check in and let everyone know I’m doing alright and remind myself of what works for me and how I stay sober. Keep it up one day at a time!