100 day SOBER challenge!

@SkyDiver1 you got this! It’s so easy to let past experiences live in our head rent free, you’ve been through so much trauma. Take it a day at a time. I spent almost all of week 4 crying, week 5 & 6 have been a bit better. You’ll get there.


Thank you. The weekends are always when the urge to use is strongest. Thanks for reaching out. I was really nervous about tomorrow. I feel a lot stronger now. Thank you

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That’s my next step!

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Day 6- Sober. I am not an addict. My Brain is. And this morning, while exercising, I yelled and screamed at my Brain, told it No, and cried again but I did not use.


Way to go with your 70 days…this is fantastic :tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4::hugs:


Day 6 and you are doing amazingly well Tim!
I am grateful that you found an outlet for your urges…I did a lot of screaming and punching pilloows, shadowboxing and crying. Whatever gets that stupid addict brain to shut up and let you live.
I know it is not the easiest journey but it is so fruitful and worth it and we are here to support you :people_hugging:
Keep going strong :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:


Day 7-Sober. Today was my first morning of relative peace. No real urges. Just one brief one. I told my brain no and moved on. This is a big milestone for me-making it to Monday morning. Weekends have been my kryptonite. I have always given in on the weekends but not this weekend. I made it through the weekend without giving in to my addiction. Today, I have a meeting with my addiction Coach and I’ll have nothing but good news. 100 push ups, 64 Pull ups/40 Bench Press and a 5 mile Ruck with 30 pounds is a lot better than giving into garbage and lies. I need to remember that. I need to remember that every morning for the rest of my life


Roger that, Simon. Will start making plans for next weekend

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That’s awesome Tim
I week milestone and doing so well in your journey.

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Thank you Jazzy. Thanks for the support. It means a lot

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Today is day 45. Almost half way there which is super exciting.
My days feel as if they go on for ever & I’m really enjoying that on days when I’m not in work :rofl: but work seriously drags in & I just want to get out & do nice/fun things.


Wow so much energy. I’m super unfit but trying to do some fitness challenges. Congrats on the 7 days, I get what you’re saying about the weekend being like kryptonite. My first sober weekend was New Year’s which was so strange but I got through it & the next & the one after that. It does get easier.


Nearing the end of day 25, day 26 here I come, day 100 you’re closer than I think! :blush:


So we start in March?

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start now love – each of us has a different start date – goal is to get to 100 days and of course keep going… i honestly keep doing the 100 day challenge in 100 day increments and am now on day 419

here is a blank card for you – grateful to have you here with us :heart:


It’s not much but it’s a start to getting myself on the right track. :revolving_hearts: I may have messed up (with not only letting my drinking getting bad but also getting kicked out of school…:persevere:) but I can’t let this break me. I have to believe that with faith and determination I will reach an even bigger door.

I deserve to be happy despite my mistakes.
And that means being healthy.


That’s a brilliant idea, I’m stealing it :laughing: I’m almost half way through my FIRST 100 days (day 47), I’ll be starting a new sheet when I get to 100 :crossed_fingers: