100 day SOBER challenge!

Great Goal. You are doing great.


40 days and a hundred nights!


Thanks @tailee17 and @JazzyS , appreciate your words.

Jas, I have it seems fallen into a rhythm and become comfortable in this world. Whereas my next challenge will come is with the changing of the seasons and warm weather. Our home seems to attract lots of visitors and my wife lives to entertain when the sun is shining.
Being ocean side and 6000km from “our” home in BC has at least 3 different groups flying in this summer season to stay with us anywhere from a week to three weeks.

I will need another entire rolling tool chest of tools to manage that pressure… I’m not looking forward to when my winter/early spring bubble bursts and I need to step out into the light of hosting…. It does frighten me a bit, I won’t lie.


Quick question yall: remember how I drank a little bit of alcohol on Saturday since I was at that concert with a buddy? Does that technically mean I failed the 100 day sobriety challenge? D:

My drug of choice was never alcohol, but I’m still 15 days sober from the drug I’m actually trying to get off of.

If I did technically fail the 100 day sobriety challenge because of Saturday, then that’s fine. I’ll just retry the challenge. This time with sobriety from both alcohol and my drug of choice! :smile_cat:


Your doing so well :+1: Huge milestone :100: around the corner :sparkles:

@Lighter Your doing so well too!!! 40 days !! Yayyy :hugs:



Day 21 done :+1: In bed now


If it was me I would restart my timer.
Everyone’s different there are alot of topics on this subject that might give you something to read and help you make the best decision for yourself :hugs:


Thanks homie, I’ll check it out shortly :smiley:

Yeah I think I’ll just reset the timer to 3 days sober from everything, due to the alcohol I drank on Saturday even though I’m not concerned about alcohol. To me, “sober” means no mind-altering substances that aren’t prescribed to you (Well, maybe except for caffeine and nicotine. But I’m quitting at least the nicotine for sure soon), so I think I have to reset the counter to 3 days. Oh well :slight_smile:

Once I start quitting nicotine when I’m ready/once I have the focus capacity to, I’ll reset the timer one more time :smile_cat:

So might not reach 100 days truly sober for a while, but that’s okay. It shall be hit eventually :smile_cat:


Well, this whole premise here on TS is based on the honour system…
What does your gut tell you? No back and fourth justification/damnation, just what you think.

I’d go with that. It’s all things we need to live with my friend. Your decision and I’d be good with whichever way you chose…


Some people have timers for each substance, others keep it all together.
As long as your on the road and journey recovering that’s what’s important :pray:


Thanks homie, yeah I reset my sober challenge counter to 3 days, since today is day 3 off alcohol. But then sometime in the future when I start quitting nicotine, I’ll reset it again :slight_smile:

I think this way, I’m being honest with my sobriety. :slight_smile:

Caffeine I don’t care about quitting personally, since I only drink like 2 cups a day worth. It helps me focus better anyway since I have diagnosed ADHD :smile_cat:

Also from my understanding, a cup or 2 of coffee in a day is actually considered healthy for your heart apparently. This is what my family doctor and my previous psychiatrist told me before anyway. I kinda find it hard to believe, but apparently that’s a thing


It’s like the old debate at the weight watchers convention, where as the folks participating got in a huge argument about cooked carrots and raw carrots and which was better/ more points… this argument went round and round till finally someone that had had enough stood up and decried “LOOK!!! None of you got your fat asses here because of carrots :carrot: “ lol. Always stuck with me
No one here on this forum, at least not a serious participant is here due to coffee I suspect :wink:


Don’t want to give advice on what you should do but il tell you what I would do.

If I had sober time from substances and then I decided to quit nicotine I would start a nicotine counter.
If I hadn’t used any of the substances I had worked hard to be abstinent from I would reset them only if I used even once even a tiny bit.
I wouldn’t feel if I decided to quit nicotine that I lost those days from the alcohol or cocaine.
I would just start my nicotine counter from Day1.

It’s what you feel is right for you, just I would feel disheartened to restart something that I hadnt relapsed on.

Give yourself some credit for what you work hard for and kept up with :slightly_smiling_face:


It is a personal decision and also depends on what sobriety means to you. Are you only looking for sobriety from your DOC or from all mind altering substances?
I know many people here have multiple timers so you could do one for alcohol and one for your DOC.

Regardless, very impressive time. Do what feels right to you friend. Here to support you in whatever way you choose to go.


My bad, yeah that’s what I meant when I said the resetting of the sobriety counter thing actually :smiley:

Like basically in my mind I have a few counters:

  1. The cocaine sobriety counter at 15 days so far
  2. The alcohol sobriety counter at 3 days, although I never had an alcohol problem so this shouldn’t be difficult for me to rack up more days here
  3. The nicotine sobriety counter, which is currently inactive at day 0 until maybe like 2 weeks to 2.5 months from now.
  4. The ‘true’ sobriety counter, which is the combination of all of these counters, which is currently also inactive at day 0 for now :slight_smile:

Congratulations on 15 days :fireworks: :sparkles: And 3 days :sparkler:
Your breaking that viscous cycle and it just gets better from here.

I’m sober from alcohol, cocaine and nicotine so I understand that those 15 days is a huge achievement :star:


i hear that. the warmer weather and get togethers can be triggering. Knowing that this may be troublesome for you. - you may want to set up your tools now. Have plans for “escape” like excuse yourself to your gym area or feel comfortable saying i need time for “me” (cause i know you are entertaining at your home). Have plenty of non alcoholic beverages on hand for you to choose from so you don’t get bored and possibly look into making some mocktails :person_shrugging:

We will be right here for you so you know that you can lean on us if you find yourself feeling triggered or if the urges get strong. I have seen you be strong and stack on the days as well as work on your recovery with some determination and force. I know you are stronger than the addiction and we all have your back Nick.


Thanks homie :smiley: Yeah for sure, I’m feeling a lot better already! I feel like the drug of choice withdrawal finally ended. I actually feel like I have energy without needing my DOC. :slight_smile:

I’m a little bit concerned about my nicotine usage, but definitely sometime in the future I’ll start working on that. My addiction therapist said to quit one thing at a time because otherwise it can be too intense/too much :slight_smile:

It’s crazy to think that it only took like 2 weeks for me to feel like myself again! I remember my “I’m done with cocaine” thread here, and like holy shit I felt so depressed and awful when I was in active addiction. So much better to be sober :smile_cat:


Thank you Jasmine. I may need to call on yas for that mental support for sure. I fortunately am good at not buckling under peer pressure and get more stubborn if I say no, and others try and push me.
My useage was always a “me” thing and other outside forces weren’t necessarily my Achilles, but also being away from it and the temptation, which you are right on will require extra focus in preparation.

This message you sent has been hugely helpful. Thank you :blush:


3 weeks girl! that is awesome work friend – keep pushing forward :muscle: