100 day SOBER challenge!

almost the half of a month


Loving it Thomas…hope you are feeling better today :blush:

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@JazzyS yes. a little bit better although cravings are still there


A little better is awesome…hope it keeps up. Keep busy friend…the cravings don’t last. Just push through. One second at a time :muscle:t4::people_hugging:

I relapsed in the first week of my 100-day challenge. But I restarted it, and today I have reached 4 days sober and clean.

I spent 2 hours studying my course and will spend another 2 hours tonight. I’m not focusing too much on the early sober days, as sometimes I feel lazy. I know it’s due to my body healing.

Today, a friend called and asked me to drop him off somewhere, but I told him I didn’t have the car with me. I said this because I’ve had the experience of going with him before, which ended up with me drinking.

This time, sobriety is my top priority. If I reach 100 days, it will be the longest sober period in my 12 years of drinking. I will definitely celebrate this milestone with something special.

Taking it one day at a time. Thanks for all your support.


I love the new attitude and the course of action. Grateful to see that sobriety is your top priority and you will keep pushing forward ODAAT. We got your back here too. Awesome work on 4 days :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

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Thanks @JazzyS

I appreciate your support

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Well done Sarath! :facepunch:
You made a right decision for not driving your friend as you possible know the outcome.
For me the first 90 days where the hardest, so when you reach 100 that 90 are behind you :sunglasses:
But first things first: today :wink:


Thank you! :pray:

What a great idea and well done! :raised_hands:

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Another line gone, 290 days…


Day 5

I’m grateful for sober today. I spent 3 hours to learn my course and did practice what I have learned. I didn’t went outside for last 5 days.
I attended an AA online meeting. My appetite has improved, and I’m eating well. Actually, I’m underweight, only 60 kilograms. I want to increase my weight. I recently got a freelance work which I’m going to complete in 2 days. I learned new course doing this project. I want gain more skills in coming months because I’m jobless now and I want to apply for a full time job but my first priority is to stay sober then only everything works.
Thanks you all for support. Hope everyone doing well !


Double digits and then the 300 day milestone :tada::people_hugging:…keep kicking ass my friend…you are doing great :muscle:t4:


5 days is awesome…glad to hear you are staying vigilant and away from triggers. ODAAT :muscle:t4:

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All that good stuff with 5 days sober! Huray!

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Day 104 today and feeling great. Tomorrow will be 15 straight weeks. Life is good. I don’t hate myself or people in general atm. lol


Congrats Dvan! Great work on kicking ass on your triple digits milestone :muscle: 104 days and stacking up the days!

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Day 6

I’m feeling good, and I had a pretty good night’s sleep. My mental clarity is improving, and although I’m still facing unemployment, it’s not causing as much distress as before. I’m attending online AA meetings as much as possible. Hope you are all doing well.


That week milestone is almost here! Great work on putting in the work.

Are you able to look for employee or sign up with employment agencies to have a back up? Sorry your work situation isn’t feeling stable. You are doing what you can that’s in your control and that is what any of us can do. :pray:t4: