An assignment that came up during one of my health coaching modules was this diagram below-I thought it would be fun to have each one of us pick one for this week and make a list of three points as to how we will achieve that goal!
I’ll go first:
Drink more water
Download an app that helps me track my intake
Get a water bottle that can hold different types of fruit to help me want to drink water
Practice cooking.
I really hate cooking but yesterday I bought veggies and fruits and I’m going to make a big stir fry today.
AND I didn’t buy any quick (low fat) frozen dinner type meals!
When I first looked at the picture I swear I thought #3 said “experiment with weight gain” and I was not going to pick that one
Anyway, this is a cool idea and I’ll try #5. To help me do that…
I’ll order veggies as side whenever I get food that comes with chips or fries.
-I’ll eat the frozen veggies that have been taking up space in the freezer.
-Drink a few servings of the greens health powder/supplement we have in the house.