126 days Cocaine free and I'm starting to realize alcohol is not my friend. HelpšŸ˜­

It seems like, Ever since iā€™ve been cocaine free, I have been drinking more. Not.
Passing out drunk everyday.But at least once a week I wake up with a horrible hangover. The problem.
Is I tell myself,Iā€™m not gonna do it again, but yet I do it again. I get the worst hangovers and it hinders my entire day.Donā€™t even have the energy to take on the day to.Day with my children.Luckily , I have a supportive husband still , I need help.


Youā€™ve read the thread ā€œwhatā€™s your planā€.
You used it for the cocaine, so do the same for the alcohol. Make a plan and stick to it.
Can you add something extra to your recovery?
Are you visiting NA meetings ore online meetings for example?
They can be a great help you know.
You can find all kind of support groups here as you like: Resources for our recovery As well as recovery books, podcasts, etc.
Reading about recovery helped me a lot to understand my addiction and give my sober life ā€œhands and feetsā€. Listening to podcasts helped me trough cravings as well, maybe that helps you a bit too?

Congratulations for the 126 days :confetti_ball:
Letā€™s stay clean and sober today too, letā€™s do so together! :facepunch:

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Drug substitution, like alcohol for cocaine or marijuana for alcohol is not uncommon. Sober is sober, though, in my experience. I cut myself slack for nicotine for a few years and I still can abuse caffeine, but my idea of sober is no mind or mood altering substances.

The idea of using a plan like @SoberWalker suggested can be a key factor in going 100% sober. Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.