13 days sober

I am 13 days sober and have just joined this community.

I want to stay of the booze for at least 12 months.

I feel by connecting with other like-minded people I will have a better chance of success :grinning:


Welcome and congrats for the double digits! I’m also new in here and today is my 2nd day of being sober. Although I’ve been here for a short time, I already love this community, it’s so warm and supportive. Looking forward to read about your journey! All the best!


Thank you
I wish you lots of success on your journey :pray:


Welcome you have come to the right place. Congratulations on double digits! :clap:


Welcome! I’m still fairly new here too and 15 days sober today :blush: This community is absolutely amazing and so supportive. So many of the comments and threads are relatable and I find it so helpful to know I’m not alone. So many of us on here have very different stories, but sometimes share similar struggles. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts!


Good for you Paul! One day at a time. There’s loads of good stuff to learn here - here’s one of my fave threads for that: Resources for our recovery - read around and make yourself at home. Welcome to Talking Sober :wave:


13days well done for me i went to a place were there was other like minded people no internet when i got sober or mobiles so AA was the only place i could go, today there are many places were you can seek support wish you new guys well


Welcome @Pauleee 12 months is awesome. I started with 30 days, got a taste of the benefits of sobriety but went back out. Then when things got worse i thought id try for as long as i can. Im going on 26months and the benefits of sobriety are still revealing themselves.

I wish you well on your journey


I know, it’s My 3 day and I’m already loving this conmunity, it really helps read and think about others, who are in the dame path.
I love all of You, lets go for more sober days!


Welcome to the best place to be on your sober journey. Stay connected.

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