Yup that’s 2 weeks down! No opiates and I feel great, no cravings, no anxiety, no withdrawals, nothing! I think it’s mainly due to the (usually) relatively low dosage I took (mainly because it’s so damn expensive at 1$ per mg around here) but I am not complaining by any means, I am thanking God I don’t see myself needing this drug ever again if I am not legitimately in pain, and certainly will not snort anything again (my nose thanks me too lol) where is everyone else at? I love the support from this community and will provide all the support I can from my end.
Same to you bro! Definately don’t miss the constipation, and especially don’t miss the exact opposite after you stop (crapping every 10minutes NO JOKE) but all of that is behind me or so it seems, I’m gonna keep this positive outlook and run with it, as of yesterday pot was legalized here in Massachusetts so I don’t have to worry about legal trouble for that too, which is amazing seeing as I’ve been smoking pot for the last 3 years everyday for insomnia (for some reason I was totally against sleeping pills but snorted oxycodone daily for a while… Addiction makes total sense) so I’m gonna be growing it making it virtually free for me. Keep going man we got this in the bag! I will post more WHEN I hit 1 month
It’s fully legal for recreational use, which is great for me (I have a passion for marijuana for sick people and curing ailments and want to be a grower some day for patients). It’s been a lifesaver for me for sleep and rls during withdrawals, but I have insomnia anyway besides the withdrawals and the marijuana helps me everyday, without a hangover in the morning (I have taken prescribed Lunesta and the rebound anxiety / insomnia when you stop is outrageous, funny how pills that are supposed to calm down an ailment actually makes it worse when the pill is taken out of the equation smh). I’m glad to hear you are getting back on track, and yes I am too with work and concentration on what I want. I’m glad we found each other on here as a support, we’re doing awesome, we got this
how were your first few days? did u go cold turkey
Same I went cold turkey but I used kratom on days where I was hurting really bad, I’m not using kratom anymore.
how and where would you get this kratom you speak of lol
I’m not going to answer those questions because I feel thay you need to do research yourself on it, make an educated decision on your own if you feel that you need to take it, it feels like opiates but it is not an opiate beware, just a concern.
so you buy it online? sorry I’m just somewhat confused
It is legal in most of the country… Yes you buy it online
maybe I should have got some before getting clean so I had it already lol
I’m not trying to help you trade one vice for another, I said it feels similar to opiates so Proceed with caution… Don’t take that lightly if your already getting less and less WD’s then don’t even think about the stuff I just mentioned
I’m on hour 14 so their only gonna get worse for a few days
Thank you so much for checking in on me! I am honestly going crazy right now the restless legs won’t quit, I’m smoking way to many cigs because I’m so stressed lol and I’m starting to sweat! wtf?! maybe you did that to me lmao just kidding my heat is up so high! but I’m just really anxious overall, can’t sleep or sit still yet dont wanna do a thing! I can’t wait til this is all over and atleast my legs stop shaking. I wanna get in the shower because I know I’ll feel better but I mean really how many times does a withdrawing addict need to shower in one day lmao it’s the only thing that helps for a good 10 minutes and back at it. did you smoke weed while withdrawing?
Yes I smoke like a chain smoker when I’m high. Like atleast a pack a day depending on how many hours I was using. Right now I still smoke and I feel like I constantly want one because I’m so stressed out and anxious like it’s the Only thing to calm me down. I used weed the first 3 days of 16 last time I got sober and it was the only way I could sleep for an hour even. but this time around I’m hoping I won’t have to use it
Yes if I’m way too high and try to smoke I will puke, and then I go snort another pill because I feel like puking took my buzz away lol. how much are pills where you live? I’m just curious cause their so expensive on the street anymore
A perk 30 is 40 dollars here, 35 if your lucky. 20s are 25 a pop, etc. everything is roughly 5 bucks more than a dollar a milligram here. That’s another reason I can’t wait to stay clean. I work so hard everyday for nothing it seems like because i spend all my money on drugs
Defintely! I spend so much money everyday on them it’s nuts. and I have a good paying job even and I’m still broke afterwards lol. I think I wanna just go shopping for a day and buy a whole buncha new clothes! lol. a spa day sounds nice too! lol. I just hope I can fight my brain off this time around and not give into being bored. I don’t remember feeling anything close to as bored as I am while sober
also your right about heroine, everyone who I knew that did pills had turned to the darker side except myself. I will not ever put a needle in my arm or even snort that shit. to me it’s nasty and I could just never. I’ve always made a lot of money so going to that kinda low to get high just because it was cheaper just wasn’t an option for me thank god. if it was I would probably be dead
Well now your clean start applying to these good jobs! Apply at the beer plant! they make a killing there.
oh and you said something about brain damage earlier? how do you know if you did do brain damage