143 days and lostish

Hello everyone. I haven’t been around for a while but I’m still going strong. 143 days and that feels really good. I’m just wondering if anyone else has the same feelings that I have been feeling. My addiction was food and my career was based around food. 3 weeks ago I was fired from my job as a kitchen manager mostly because of my complete and utter disdain for food now. I can’t say that I’m sad that it happened however being abstinent doesn’t pay my bills. And now I’m 40 days away from the first vacation my family was supposed to take in 9 years and again I feel like I’m letting them down. Before it was because of my feelings and self-hatred and now it’s because of my feelings and self-love. Removing myself from food is the best path for me, but I should have been more responsible and stuck it out until we got back. I should be excited to find where my life will go now but truly I don’t even know how to steer it without the addiction. So I guess I’m just stuck in a now what situation, I dropped out of school three times so no degree. I guess the good thing is I don’t want to turn to food. Just feeling lost ish…


I can very much understand you. Im 299 days clean but lost in life . My addiction gave so much motivation and now what ? -(
But i know how much pain is going back to drink . Leaves me clean but…
So keep up work … understand you

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Have you ever considered becoming a nutritionist? I look at this like a former drug and alcohol user becoming a drug and alcohol counselor. Who better than someone whose actually “chewed the same dirt” to help people get clean and sober.

Sorry that you are feeling “lostish”, lacking direction. I’ve been there a couple of times in life, myself. I’ve found it best to pick a direction, and start walking, rather than “stay put” and wait for direction to find me. Of course, your mileage may vary.


Is there a way to do a staycation? Or something like that? Camping at a local state park or beach. Or even getting passes to a local pool and bbqing at the park? Movie night at home or day trip to go on a wilderness hike.

Because one door closes doesn’t mean you can’t open a new one. I feel you on being lost. Staying grounded and focused on why you started this journey in the first place will give you peace of mind. Gaining control of your addiction is wonderful, and you’re doing a great job even if it sucks right now.


I definitely have! My dream would be to become a counselour focusing on food addiction. I would love to go to schools or other venues and motivationally speak.

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The grass is greener on this side, but it sure grows very slow…

Sounds like you have a destination. I find it helps to sit down and figure out “you are here”, and knowing where I want to be, chart my course. Getting that initial plan together can do wonders for your attitude and motivation.

A year ago, I decided I didn’t want to be doing what I am currently doing, for the rest of my working-life. I decided I wanted to really help people become financially fit. I did some research, and took a few financial-planners to lunch. I figured out what education and licenses I needed, and then set about getting them. I am currently two licences away, and studying for them. Should take about six more months, than a transition from part-time to full time, at least that’s where the plan sits, today.


That’s of course!!