18 days clean. Anxiety is intense

What is something that helps you with your anxiety? Im 18 days clean today and very happy, but i’m dealing with so much stress. My heart is racing and im shaking. Nothing seems to help. I feel frozen to my couch. I have a long history with anxiety issues, but lately its been too much. Any suggestions or is anyone going through this as well?

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Have you tried journaling?? I’m sure just writing this post helped you breath a little easier. Sometimes putting down all these wacky thoughts on paper helps us. It’s like these fears and anxietys lose their power when we write them down.

You’re doing great!!! 18 days is huge for you Rach!


18 days is great, but the most important one is today, always. You trained your body and mind to work with an outside chemical, two predominant ones if I remember your story correctly, and now you e taken them away. You are going to have anxiety, your body is screaming abt what it no longer gets.
This is very common from my reading and experience. The anxiety based on addiction will subside.
From reading your prior writings, now is a critical time to stay away from triggers. Anxiety seems to make us run back to the comfortable things, even though for many of us, thiat comfort involved self destruction.
Busy yourself w figuring out those triggers (I believe you went out and saw some friends at the bar, and fell back into coke and drinking?) Once you know your triggers spend time making a plan to avoid the triggers.
Find a hobby. For me, drinking was the hobby. I had to find something new.


I’m just going to say before you read this article, this may not apply to you. It also may, so that’s why I’m posting it.
There is a lot of information out there on this topic.
Its possible you may have an underlying issue. That is not to say that every person who quits a substance and experiences anxiety or depression has an undiagnosed mental disorder. You can definitely experience those things as a result of quitting.
Also , look into PAWS.

Now on to suggestions that may help now!
If you can get your blood pumping so as to expend your energy, I highly recommend it.
Go to the gym, pop on to YouTube and dance along with a tutorial, go for a bike ride or jog. Just get tired some how. The movement will bring you up, then back down to baseline calm.
Follow up with a calming tea, if chamomile doesn’t work, drink a tea with Valerian root. Have a nice bath. Do some easy yoga.
There’s a natural product on the market called Rescue Remedy. You put a dropper full of the liquid under your tongue and it works immediately to bring anxiety waaay down. I used to use it after nights of heavy drinking when my anxiety was bananas and before I realized the booze had done it to me. Works miracles.
I hope this helps.

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Sounds stupid but cleaning. My apartment is spotless . I have no reason to clean no one comes over but i let little things go . It feels equally as good to have a clean place than to be sober for me.


Sounds like an anxiety attack to me. I get them and they’re awful but don’t last forever. Mix up your routine - go for a bike ride, get a massage, build a blanket fort and read a book - whatever you need to do besides alcohol or cocaine, do it. Maybe make an appt with your doctor to discuss these if they become regular or debilitating. Hugs!!! Hope it’s over soon.

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Thanks! I really appriciate you and your words are comforting.

One thing that always helped me with my anxiety was talking to someone and telling them how I was feeling. Whether it was over the phone or in person. Having a conversation for some reason helped me get my mind off my rapid breathing and eventually I would calm down. Luckily I had a few good friends that I could always open up to when I was freaking out.

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