19 Years post Gastric Bypass and 19 Years alcoholic

My goodness @Ravikamor - you are amazing. So proud of all that yoyve accomplished since this post.
Heres to not being a statistic and a healthier you! Thanks for your share!!! :kissing_heart:


Awww thank you so much Jasmine :heartbeat: it feels like it was a lifetime ago! But life has gotten so much better since writing that!! Sobriety is amazing :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face::kissing_heart:


Hi everyone who came to read this! I have decided that I’m going to place this in my original thread because it’s kind of an update! I’ve been sober now for 3 1/2 years and couldn’t be more happier with my life. I’m not saying everything has been easy because there are so many ups and downs in life, it just doesn’t stop! Lol Well about a little over a year ago, I seriously contemplated having a “do over” with a gastric bypass revision. I quite honestly drank almost all my weight back with alcohol. So I went in and talked to a specialist. Upon the routine testing to see how everything looks inside, I seem to have had a complication after 22 + years! I had no idea and thought the adverse symptoms I’ve been having were normal. Not alcohol related but serious nonetheless. So, I now have a surgery scheduled in less than two weeks. It will be for corrective purposes and a revision. I’m hoping that this time around, I will be wiser with abstaining from alcohol and taking better care of myself. Mentally and emotionally, I’ve come so far in my confidence of who I am and have better control over my life choices. I’m in a better place. So! Here comes another chapter in my life WOO HOO! :grin::tada:


I wish you all the best for your surgery! A complication after 22+ years sounds horrible to me. I hope they can fix it for good :pray:
Love that you posted here, this thread is so valuable! Thank you :people_hugging:


Huge Congrats on 3.5 years!
Glad to read you’re taking care of yourself.
Sending you positive vibes for a speedy recovery and wishing you well on this next chapter in your life.
Much love friend! :orange_heart:


Thank you for sharing. I am on my 3rd day! Keep coming back , I’ll need someone to be my non drinking buddy Christmas Eve ! lol


Sorry to hear about the upcoming surgery. Sending good vibes that all goes well. I have total faith that you will keep away from booze and look after your body. You have too much to do! :purple_heart:


Thanks @erntedank! The surgery has been improved a bit since then so I’m going for a better and longer lasting outcome too! I’ll post afterwards for another update. Big hugs to you and the kitties!

@Lisa07 can you believe 3 1/2 years? Holy cow time flies by so quickly lol!! Thank you for the well wishes and love back at yas my friend :kissing_heart::hugs:

@PrettySmartAndSweet stick with it! It is worth it :heart: Hopefully I’ll be home by Christmas :christmas_tree: Sometimes Santa will Zoom on holidays so keep an eye out! :hugs:

@Misokatsu I was just thinking about our Christmas present exchange from a few years ago and how you gave and recieved such awesome gifts! I hope you and the fambam are doing fabulous!! Thank you for the good vibes and yes I’m not done yet!!! :pray:


Thank you for sharing your story @Ravikamor and what a an amazing story it is.
You are such an inspiration!
Congratulations on your 3 1/2 years sober and still improving. It’s wonderful :clap::clap::clap:
Wishing you all the best for the upcoming surgery.
With your positive state of mind I’m sure you’ll feel better in no time :pray:


Major congrats on 3 and a half years, chica!!! I hope this surgery helps you get to your health and wellbeing goals :heartpulse:


Congrats on your 3.5 years!! That is such an incredible accomplishment!! I hope the surgery is successful, recovery speedy and it helps you on your beautiful journey of healing!!


Congratulations on your 3.5 years! You are truly amazing! Best of luck on your surgery. I wish you a swift and easy recovery, and that it helps you in the way it is supposed to.


Yaaaay ! Going into 2024 healthy , happy, and in a great place ! Excited for you

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Ah man Rebecca so grateful that you found this now and are able to get it fixed and tended to. Sending you so many comfort and healing vibes your way. Wishing you a quick and easy surgery. :pray: :hugs:

Love this!! Yeah you are in a better and healthier place :hugs:


Congratulations on your 3,5 years. That is really great especially after all that you have been thru. Keep going!


Thank you so much Anne! The glass is half full lol!!

@RosaCanDo :hugs::hugs::hugs: thank you thank you!!

@SassyRocks hoping for all that too! That would be the best Christmas gift!! :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:

@Chiron thank you!! Second time is a always a charm without the booze :hugs::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

@PrettySmartAndSweet 2024 yeehhaaww here we come!!! :partying_face::tada::heartpulse:

Thanks @JazzyS !! Better and healthier and keep going up from here :pray::pray::pray::heart::heart::heart:

@Hotic onward sober soldiers :grin::+1: Ty!!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Surgery went well. I’ve been home a few days healing. The complication was worse than thought. I ended up having some of my intestines cut out including a hernia and a chunk of my insides. TMI for some-sorry :face_with_peeking_eye: Luckily I have family here to help. Another scary part is that although all my blood tests came back in the normal range, my liver could use some TLC. The doctor saw some issues. So now that alcohol has taken so much from me, it’s time that I take my health back. Word to the wise- continue on with your health after abstaining from the alcohol. Although my complications weren’t alcohol related, there’s still the need to take better care of my health. So back in the saddle I go! Here’s to a fabulous and healthy 2024! :confetti_ball::partying_face::tada:


Hey @Ravikamor i’ve just read your story. Wow. What a journey you’ve been on; and an incredibly inspiring transformation :heart:
Wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery from surgery.
Much love X


Thank you for the update @Ravikamor. Glad to hear it went well even with complications. Sending healing vibes for a speedy recovery. :heart:


I’ve seen you on TS for a long time but never knew your back story. Thanks for sharing it and I’m glad the surgery went well!!