19 Years post Gastric Bypass and 19 Years alcoholic

Thank you Louise!! Love back at ya :heart::heart: Have a fabulous New Year!!

@Lisa07 love the healing vibes :two_hearts: I hope you and your family are having a wonderful holiday :sparkles: Everyone here on TS is so a part of my journey :hugs: I honestly couldn’t have even gotten this far without all of you.

@Kareness thank you!!! The twisty roads of our journeys could be made into our own Big Book lol! Maybe we could call it “The Big TS Book” lol! Have a fantastic New Year!!


Thats awesome Rebecca - grateful that your surgery went well. Do hope you have a healthy and quick recovery :heart:

Congrats on your normal range blood tests. Love how resilient our bodies can be - no more booze and working on a healthy lifestyle to heal ourselves is the best plan! So happy for you love - onwards :tada:


Rebecca, glad you have the surgery behind you. Wishing you quick and complete recovery. So glad you had the procedure and they were able to “fix you up”. Hope that your past problems are resolved, and that the newer ones can be dealt with fairly easily and without surgeries. Now you’ll be good to go for the next 50 ( years ). Big hugs … you’ve had an eventful 2023. Wishing you the best continuing on into 2024!


I hope you feel better soon after your surgery :revolving_hearts::dizzy:


Thank you Jasmine! No matter what, we need our health :pray: :heart: It’s so easy to think, welp I’m done with the booze so I’m going to be alright now. Yikes. I fell into that trap. But yes we are resilient and sobriety is just the first step :hugs::two_hearts:

@Alisa yes the next 50! Lol let’s go! Tell ya what, if I do live to be 100, I’ll skydive! :laughing: And I’ll be sure to post the pics!! Lol! Big hugs back at yas and a great 2024 to you too :hugs:

@Dilettante thank you so much :heartbeat: I’m on the mends already yay! Happy New Year :partying_face::tada::sparkles::balloon:


That is a lot. I’m glad you are home and on the mend. Here’s to taking extra care of yourself. :purple_heart:


Thank you so much :heartbeat: Time to take care of mama for a change lol Happy New Year :tada::partying_face::confetti_ball:


Hey Rebecca! I am not sure what I clicked on to bring me to your original post, but I am SO glad that I did. Getting to read the story you posted at the beginning of your journey NOW was like this private peek back into a past version of you. I only know the sober woman, who’s intelligent and compassionate advice I see helping so many on here. I guess there is so much on TS that it is easy to miss a “beginning post”. Your strength and determination are inspiring, and I am so happy to be here with you sober today❤️


Thank you for the update! Yes, your health is everything. I hope your recovery will be swift. May you have better health in 2024!


Good to hear you’re getting better health wise. Wishing for a speedy recovery from your surgery and for a very happy healthy new year, Rebecca.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. This is so inspiring.


Rebecca…what a way to end the year!! I wish a smooth recovery for you. And outstanding health in 2024!!!


@ELY83 you’re going to make me cry :sob: Thank you so much! :heartbeat: I think you’re right that it’s almost like a rebirth for some of us in that we change the person who we are without the addiction. I always say I’ve lived two lives in this life lol I’m happy you’re here sharing sobriety with us too!! Sober cheeyas to another great sober year for us!!! :hugs:

@Chiron better health is on the way! Thank you so much :heartbeat:

@happyfeet Thanks Anne! :blush: 2024 is going to be fabulous I think!

@Mbwoman Go big or go home eh?! Lol I’m on liquids for a week and I’m like…ugh wth was I thinking doing this during the holidays :sweat_smile: But I don’t have to take time off work :slight_smile: So it’s going to be all worth it for outstanding health in 2024!! Big hugs and happy New Year!! :confetti_ball::tada::partying_face:


It’s a second, second chance. Sobriety after mistreating yourself is the challenge.
I know that you can do it.
Invent a reason to be sober.
Both physically and mentally
New friends, habits, places.

Be free. Tell your story.
Go to meetings. Tell your stories

Be free


For the first time in my life, I have peace in my world. Peace in my world is new (in the last 4 years). Being born into chaos and dysfunction, you start to think the norm is chaos and dysfunction. Along with sobriety comes a peace that I had not known before. Happiness has come with that peace also. So in accepting sobriety, I am accepting a peace and happiness that I will not give up. I didn’t know all this before and it is something that I have learned along my journey. I often look back and think how different my life would look had I known this peace and way of life early on. But now that I know and feel this, merely picking up and relapsing is saying goodbye to this happiness. The choice is obvious to me. My world is the one I have chosen and the one I will continue to choose one day at a time :heart:

50 Ibs down to boot!!! :confetti_ball:


Awesome Sauce! Congratulations on 4 years! :partying_face:
I’m so glad you found peace and happiness. We always say in AA…don’t leave before the miracle happens. You certainly stuck around for a few and there’s more to come. Celebrating you from afar my friend. :kissing_heart:


Thank you Lisa!!! Love the miracles :heart: so blessed to have you on my journey :hugs:


Peace, Happiness, 50 pounds, and FOUR YEARS Sober!! Sooooo happy for you!!
Congratulations on all of it… thanks for being an inspiring presence here… taking so many under your wing and showing them if you can do it, they can do it.
Wishing you happiness and peace, lost weight maintenance and continued sobriety each and every day! You are awesome!


How blessed am I to have so much beautiful support from you @Alisa and everyone here on TS???!! Thank you :blush: :pray: :heartbeat:


Congratulations @Ravikamor on 4 years !! You’re an inspiration :heart_eyes: X


Thank you!!! :heart: :heart::hugs::hugs::hugs: