Stunning! And great work - what an accomplishment!
Wow, that is gorgeous. Well done, @siand!
Where abouts in the world are you?
There is so much beauty out there! I’m hoping to walk the West Highland Way (Scotland) next year. Never been but hear it is breathtaking. The views, and walking up all the hills
Thanks!! I am in Colorado so lots to see. I have to say I love your photos, makes me definitely want to take a visit to the UK one day! Plus your hikes are so inspiring.
Ah wow, yea the UK definitely has some amazing places considering how big (or not!) it is. But Colorado would just be on another scale.
One of the other differences (I think) is that a lot of the land here, even in the national parks, is farmland. Pretty much everything is privately owned and the walking routes are footpaths through it.
If you ever make it to the UK let me know! I’m happy to be a tour guide for North West England
Beautiful. I’d love to follow
That path.
Wowzers, those colors! Oh how I miss the natural fireworks that are the fall leaves.
Gorgeous picture.
Do you not have Autumn in Cali?
Oh, I feel like we have something like it called “winter” that lasts for 4 or 5 months. But the colors aren’t near as dramatic as I remember in the Midwest. Things just sort of slowly yellow around here.
I haven’t noticed too many things changing colour here recently, a few trees have dropped their leaves. I haven’t been in the best headspace so maybe I’ve missed it, but I will keep an eye out.
We have a Virginia Creeper on our house, it’s not doing that well this year (I have a completely unscientific approach to garden maintenance - hack it back and see what happens!) but a bit of it is going this lovely shade of red. I’m sure it’s awful for the brick work but it looks pretty enough that I don’t mind.
I love the red of the Virginia creeper. There a few houses around here that are covered in it.
And yes, it’s not great for the brickwork.
Had a former colleague come see me and we went for a walk today. Not sure how long but we were out a few hours. It was forecast to rain today but we had sunshine instead. Gorgeous autumn colours and we even had some cake.
Gorgeous! I actually got a good picture in the morning, before the walk with my friend. You know when the sun beams shine through the trees?
Was also out and about while the sun was burning through the mist. Love the way that helps warm up the bones!
Lovely day for a walk yesterday in between the typical wet and dread November weather. Love it I can walk out of my front door in Central Amsterdam and be in nature within an hour or 2 just putting one foot in front of the other.
Little 4 mile hike with 1000ft elevation. Super pretty creek. Unimaginably quiet. You’d expect the trees to make a noise, but it was deafeningly quiet. My heart was thumping away, but once that chilled out, a light breeze came and several leaves came gliding down to the water’s surface. Day 212 down. On to the next one.
Omg, hiking fail for me! 10 miles, 2.5k feet of elevation gain today and feeling great.
But took no photos! Was a park I visit often and in good company, so only took memories.
And round two for the weekend! 12.4 miles with 1903 elevation. Solid one. I didn’t eat enough before hand though! Shame on me! Haha I’m off to a good meal.
Reading this whole thread has left me in awe, you are all achieving so much! And I just know how great it must make you feel and how helpful the endorphins are to your sobriety.
Personally, I am currently limited by back/hip/pelvis pain, to a short 15min walk at a time. I started with only being able to do 6mins. I really want to progress to 30mins now, and see if things improve even more. If things do improve as I lose weight and build the strength in my body back up, I feel as though I would really love to get out there on my days off and get into nature for a couple of hours. I really miss it.
The question I have is, when you’re out for a long time, just walking, does your mind clear after a while? I always feel like I’m waiting for the walk to be over and aiming for reaching the end, but I want to be able to enjoy it, is there anything I can do to help calm this?