2021 Hiking Club (Walking Sober)

After lots of mobility restrictions, due to Covid-19, a walk for Granada, Spain, watching the Alhambra is more than advisable. Being full of sobriety helps to enjoy more this wonderful sights. No alcohol, more culture, more beauty.


I honestly hadn’t thought of hiking in El Paso. I think I shall add it to my list of future places!

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Escape from Amsterdam on foot.


Thanks for sharing. Really good one. Lots of recognition. Just before covid hit I had a trip to the Guadalupes planned. Had to cancel then but it’s still in the pipelines. As is New Mexico. Might join you for that cup of coffee in the not too distant future. Have a good Christmas and a good hiking year to follow.


Happy NYE hiking pals!

I’m super excited to get out and get walking again next year. Hopefully I will be up to some proper distances again in the not too distant future. If everything goes through we will likely be moving in the next couple of months so want to make the most of the beautiful footpaths through the woods near me at the moment.

@h123 you don’t have to worry about repeating yourself on the forum. It’s inevitable when there are so many posts and so many new people all the time! I have felt the same but realised just because I am writing the same thing for the hundredth time, it still could be the first time someone reads it and it could click with them. Plus the repetition helps make things stick in my own head. Of course you don’t have to post either if you don’t want to. But you don’t have to worry about it, either way! :hugs:

And if anyone is ever passing through North West England I’d be happy to share a nice hot cup of tea and some company :grin:


An early Happy New Year from the Netherlands. Hope to hop over to some of you at some point. And would love to welcome you over here too. In the meantime I finished 2021 on a hiking high yesterday. Love the ocean and the dunes.


Hello fellow hikers!
Did a walk this morning and was flabbergasted by the orange sky, like it was on fire! As dessert we saw a fox :fox_face:

The fox picture is not a sharp one, we haven’t had the time to focus.
Just got my oliebollen for tonight, a traditional snack to eat at NYE in the Netherlands:

You have to eat them with powdered sugar. There is no translation for oliebol, it’s typical Dutch and taste a bit like a warm dougnut. We have them with ore without raisins in it. Jammie! :yum::yum::yum:

Have a great NYE all of you!! :tada::tada::tada:


Just oily bolls! No apple flaps? (or appelflappen as Claudia and me say). Fijn uiteinde jullie.


Appelbeignets ook Menno :yum:
Jij ook een fijn uiteinde :tada:


Looks a bit what we call Kräppelchen. They are fried and only sold on Christmas markets.

Happy New year, Claudia and @Mno!


Yes, I think it is! It sure looks the same!
I wish you a happy new year as well and enjoy the new years eve!


Great Pics Menno. I love the reflection you got on the trees. Perfect alignment.
I always appreciate your pics of The Netherlands. A great reminder, in a good way, of the trip we had to cancel spring 2020. I might not have met you on line. And for that I’m very grateful :pray:t2: :heart:
Have a Happy New Year.
Let’s go get another one. “The best we can :wink:


New for 2022… 2022 Hiking Club (walking sober)

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2022 Hiking Club (walking sober)

On a barge in Alsace Lorraine :fr:
It’s like a floating hotel
Walking along
Marne au rhin canal

The captain has to be able to work the 50 or so locks we go through this week.

@JasonFisher our captain piloted a salmon boat up near @Its_me_Stella The Strait of Georgia out of
Nanaimo. He got tired of working for a drunk captain and eventually moved on.
:thinking: Where have I heard that story before?


:rofl: That’s really cool! I’m glad your having a good, sober vacation!


So funny, what are the chances hey?

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Morning walk Marne au rhin canal.


103km hike on the African plateau in the Karoo. One of the achievements I am proudest of. Happy hiking everyone


Took a lovely walk with kiddo on our afternoon off. He was really brave and on the way back, walked the path with me by the honey bee boxes for the first time (he’s super nervous of them). The first part of walk, he bypassed them through the wheat field :laughing:
