2021 roll call - introduce yourself!

Kaeo so nice to see you back on here and congrats on two years! You’re nothing short of an inspiration to others, I’ve always enjoyed reading your posts in the past. Thanks for being here :heart:


I’ve never formally introduced myself … I go by penguin here, because, well, I love penguins :heart:
I’ve been sober from alcohol for 136 days.
Now I’m 30. My story is similar to many of yours I read here: I was a painfully shy kid and hardly had any friends … until the age of 15 when I started drinking. It seemed to be the perfect solution for my social anxiety. I started out as a shy teenager, became “partygirl” as a student and started spiralling totally out of control after a chain of traumatic events in my mid twenties. Became severly depressed and developed into a functioning alcoholic. I recognized the problem three years ago, after countless rather shortlived attempts I got sober in August 2020. I crossed a boundary I had set for myself … it was the first time I drank before work. This time, I could finally admit to myself that I have a problem. Still haven’t really talked to anyone about it, doing baby stepts towards being more open 🙋 one day at a time!


Love this… Im stealing it!


Thank you Emilie… It’s good to been seen now days. I’m glad that I still see so many familiar faces still working on sobriety and racking up some numbers…do you still have you EVO?


Hi! I’m Dana. I am from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada but am currently living im Calgary, Alberta, Canada. My most current DOC was crack cocaine but have quit a variety of other drugs over the years including meth, extacy, cocaine, and hydromorphone. I struggled with addiction for 21 years and am clean and sober for today! I am a survivor of domestic violence and of the sex trade. I came here bcuz I continue to need support since I am still new again to recovery (working on day 1). Love this forum and the people in it!


Hi, I’m Sophia from Sweden.
125 days sober today.
I’ve been here for a while my DOC was amphetamines and similar substances, and later on alcohol which is the one that has been hardest to conquer.
Had a relapse first time I was close to 100 days at day 99. Which was a hard hit for me. I’ve found so much help and support here, so I eventually got to that milestone again. And I ain’t going back. I used to be very active here but due to family issues I haven’t been on a lot lately, but I’m about to change that.

I hope y’all find this place to be just as amazing and supportive as I have. Wishing you all the best. :cherry_blossom:


Keep up the good fight, Tia.

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Welcome back Kelli. For us addicts 2 days IS a big deal. Especially those first 2 days. ODAAT. Your worth it. Stick around.


Greetings, friends and family. I’m an alcoholic named Dan, currently washed up on the shores of VT USA. I started drinking at age 10, got into a little weed and pills along the way. I made my first attempt to get dry at age 27. That got me the undeniable knowledge that I was an alcoholic and was on a path of destruction. I kept my belly full of beer and head full of AA for another 18 years before I got permanently sober. I’ve been sober 15 years, 8 months and 25 days. I treasure my sobriety date. The “carrot” in my approach is that I was given the profound understanding on the day I got sober that everything is gonna be alright - every little thing. The “stick” in my sobriety is that I must do something about my alcoholism every day or it will do something about me. I honor my alcoholism today, rather than fighting it. I got sober by focusing on getting to bed sober, and by getting as much help as I could attract. And I stay sober the same way - staying in the day and asking for and accepting help.
Namaste :pray:


Hi. My name is Eric.
Today is my 1 year soberversary from alcohol. I owe it all to the great people here at TS. So for you newbies, stick around. Read a lot. Join in when your willing. This forum is my only support. And look what I did!!
I’m a retired misplaced yank from north of Boston, doing a little time in the Arizona mountains via Austin, Texas and Durango, Colorado. I say fuck a lot. My wife drinks a lot. and there’s always booze in the house.
But I’m fucking sober today!! And I’ll probably be sober tomorrow!
Y’all stick around cuz we’re all worth the blessings and gratitude of being clean and or sober.


God Bless the work you do Monica. And I personally want to thank you as well. I hope to see you around.

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The only credit I take is that I suited up and showed up. And I make the decision each day to stay sober and then take some action on it. But it was the Department of Corrections, and a great counselor and my loving AA sponsor and the outpatient treatment coordinator were the ones who carried me from drunk to sober. I still turn to one or more of these, including this forum, daily to keep me on the right side of that line.


Hi, my name is Russell and I’m from the UK.

I’ve recently started my journey to beat alcoholism and now gone through 2 months alcohol free. It’s also my first Christmas and New Year sober and it feels good.

Looking forward to a sober future and to everyone in a similar situation, good luck and all the best for 2021.


ay, where’s @JasonFisher at?! get him in here and give us a roll call! love ya buddy!

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man I remember my first christmas and new year sober, last year actually, and I loved it haha went out and played pool for like five hours with a couple of lads from the program. i had ginger beer and my homies had pepsi (gross).
I still flirted with girls and danced with a bunch of people but remember the strike of midnight and drove home sober. that was amazing! hope to get at it again next year haha
Welcome Russell! we’re happy to have you here =)


Hi all, i have 40 days down! Close to passing the 6 weeks i did last January.

I’m like most, struggle with lving the buzzy numb feeling and usually don’t feel satisfied with just a couple. It grows and builds problems. I’m really impressed i made it thru the holidays & had family visit & hosted a couple dinners… I’m no expert, but here to help & glad i have someplace to share & vent when needed. :heartpulse:


I stumbled on it the same way. Glad we did. I need to stay connected.


I’m Ed, I live in the US (Ohio) and my DOC was beer. I’d probably go through at least 40-50 beers a week. I didn’t want to admit it was an issue because I never got a DUI or other legal trouble, but deep down I knew I was drinking too much. I tried to do moderation, but if I had beer in the house, I would drink it. For me that was not an option.

I tried to quit many times, but never made it more than 5 days. I just got the 21 day notice like 20 minutes ago. I guess I’m just tired of the headaches, the nausea, the other issues, so I decided to make a change, and that’s when I found this app. Not an exciting story, but thats me


proud of you. I’m on quite a journey myself. 6 months now after trying to stay sober since 2013. I’ve had a few years here and there. But I’m doing something everyday…like u said. I have hope.


My name is Corin. I am 6 months sober and loving it. Husband left me, lost my house and I’m unemployed… Oddly enough, I gained peace of mind. I have a foundation of recovery im proud of and continue to nourish everyday…one day at a time. Nothing can hold me back… when I keep the plug in the jug and a grateful heart :heart:. I’m so excited to start this New Year loving myself and being open to all the blessing I’ve been given and continue to receive. Watch out WV… here I come.
I’m proud of ALL the members I see on here TRYING… it only takes honesty, open mindedness and WILLINGNESS. You inspire me. Thank You.