2021 roll call - introduce yourself!

Menno here. Started smoking and drinking when I was 14. It took me almost 40 years to quit. 574 Days sober and clean now and got this place and all the beautiful strong ass folks here to thank for it. Alone it’s too much. Together we’re strong. One day at a time. Makes me glad to see all these new people making the right choice en joining this great community that saved my life. Love from Amsterdam.


Hi I’m Nolan from Pennsylvania and my DOC for about 20 years was alcohol. I knew I should have quit atleast 10 years ago but finally woke up and decided enough was enough. I will be 1 year sober in less than 3 weeks which is very exciting and yet kind of scary for me as well. I downloaded this app as a counter and found so much more. I’m not involved with AA or any other forms of treatment so I don’t really feel comfortable giving advice, but I do enjoy reading posts from others and sharing my personal experiences along the way. I’m thankful to have found this community and look forward to a sober 2021 for everyone!


Hello everyone. I’m an addict. I am currently battling alcoholism. I can’t remember the last time I was sober for a month or a week for that matter. I’m on day 3, right now. I’m a recovering meth addict. It’s been about 13 years since I’ve used hard drugs, meth, crack, cocaine ect. I was even sober for some years when I got clean. But, I pick the bottle back up probably 8 or 9 years ago because it’s legal and I thought I could just have a few drinks here and there. That was far from the truth. I can drink a 20 pack alone. And I typically drink a 6 or 12 pack several times a week now, sometimes more. I’m miserable, no self esteem, no motivation and terribly lonely. I long for the day when I can say I’m truly sober as easily as I can say I’ve been clean for 13 years.


Howdy. I’m Eke, and I’m still here, still sober. A member and moderator of this awesome forum.

After years of trying to control or outsmart the bottle, relapsing until I was down for the count for almost three years, I washed up here and found people who woke me up.

With the daily support, advice, and fellowship I found here and later through AA, I’ve strung together more days than I have since probably my first drink. And even my worst days sober are better than my best days drunk.

So. I’m gonna stick around. Great to see everyone, old faces and new!


Hi there TS people! 🙋
I’m Claudia, I’m here on this app for more then 2 years now. My DOC is alcohol and this app helped me tremendously to be sober again. I was sober for 5 years before and thought I was cured.
Tried to drink moderate. That “worked” for a few months and then the drinking was back to the old amounts. Found this app and quit again.
I use this app as my peer group. I’m not in AA ore something like that. But I needed people around me who understand what addiction is and how it affects my life. So I come here to celebrate my milestones, talk when I have cravings and help others if I can.
Thank you all for being my peer group! :pray:
Gratefull to be 2 years sober :heart:
P.S. I’m Dutch 🙋


Hi I’m jwalk17, or walker, and my DOC is heroin. I’m glad to say I’m 6 months and 23 days sober. It’s been quite a ride, and I relapsed twice since a horrible car accident brought my addiction to light. I’m always available for advice, and my story was truly life changing. I’m lucky to still be breathing and here to tell my story!


My name is John. I started drinking alcohol at age 16 and drank more and more each year. 27 years later, I decided I had to stop. I’ve lost friends and got tired of feeling guilty after drinking too much. This forum has inspired me and helped me tons.

Been sober for 40 days so far.


My wife says she loves me still but not in love with me anymore. Says she’s already cut the cord. I feel like I want to die again but won’t because of kids. I need to leave her alone. But no where to go


So sorry to hear that Rabbit. I hope you find the support you need here and through your AA network.

I truly believe that the only constant thing in life is change. None of us know what he future holds - the only way to find out is to stick around and see what happens. Keep on keeping on, friend :pray::sparkling_heart:


My name is Tia Marni, I’m 34 & I have quit drinking alcohol. I’m 3.5 years sober from cocaine. I have been sober from alcohol 5 years, then 3 years, then 1 year. Since August 2019 I have told myself probably 100 times I am going to quit. I would get to day 4 or 5 and go back to old habits. I decided 01.01.21 was a good date to truly commit. Looking forward to connecting with others and achieving my goals :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi everyone, DOC alcohol (plus codeine to a lesser extent). Managed most of 90 days sober last year (Sept onwards) and loved it, but fell off the wagon in December. Restarted again on Jan 1st (what a cliché!).
I’m really into running and trekking & mountains, but 2020 scuppered things somewhat, plus I work in healthcare, so it was a busy year at work.
Any other runners/walkers/mountaineers on here?
Take care all.


9 posts were split to a new topic: Running sober 2021

Moved the running discussion to its own thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

Howdy, I’m Randa. After nearly getting my son taken away by the state I had a huge coming to Jesus meeting with myself. It was either lose my children or get sober. The Casework and the AG tried really hard to make it hard on me and for 6 month still tried to remove my son during a global pandemic.

About 12 hours before the knocked in my door I made the choice that the day before was my last drink. There was no other option…cold turkey and a lot of tears. 345 days later here I am


That’s phenomenal so no meetings no detox nothing? That’s will power.

If there was more moms like you out there the world would be a better place


Hi, I’m Monica. I am an alcoholic. I work as a nurse. 2020 really tested me and knocked me down many times but I keep standing back up. Hope this is the year to keep standing.


Hello my name is Kelli, I am an alcoholic/addict… Today is my actual birthday and I’m proud to say that so far I am 2 days sober… Doesn’t seem like allot but considering I was drinking everynight I am glad to break the cycle again. I wanted to re-establish myself on here bc usually about 4 days in is when I go back to thinking I can handle “a glass of wine”. I know it’s never a glass lol so here I am trying to make some actual sobriety time and implementing some healthy habits! Glad to be here and very grateful for all of you!


Nice to see you back, Kelli. Stick around with us for awhile. :grinning:
The only drink you have to say no to is the first one. We are here to help you remember that.

Welcome here Kelli and a happy birthday to you!! :confetti_ball:

Hiiiii! I’m Arizona and my DOC is opioids and meth. I got clean from my opioid addiction in June 2018, it was a 10+ years addiction. I was introduced to meth after being clean for a year and have been struggling since. I tried rehab and obviously it didn’t work for me because here I am again on my 4th relapse since meeting meth. Here’s to staying clean in 2021.


My name is Faith. I Have 2years and 7 months sober. I am continuing to pray that I stay clean. Holidays are the worst. Continuing to take it 1 day at a time.