2023/24 Hiking Club (Walking Sober)


So cool. I love it when I got into a routine somehow. After some days you know where everything belongs, what you’ll do when you found a place to sleep and that the only worries you could possibly have for the day evolve around: eating, walking, sleeping. :grimacing:


I spent today hiking around Avebury and just filling my eyes with Neolithic remains, including a burial chamber, stone avenue and Europes biggest stone circle.

All set in my tent for a very dodgy wild camp, im far too close to the trail for my liking, :crossed_fingers:t3:im not disturbed.


It’s remarkable how your body adapt to the new environment. First night’s of sleep where terrible now I sleep like a baby. Same with rain ans cold. I can handle much more. And every meal tastes like a 4 star restaurant dish. I am so used to all the comfort’s in life which I thought I can’t do without. But the truth is that my body and mind only needs 3 thinks to feel good… Food, sleep and walking/exercise :wink:


Lovely 8.5-mile hike in Santa Ysabel Nature Preserve yesterday. An hour’s drive away, but worth it for the serenity.


Nice bird pictures!


I’m so happy this trail is just 5 minutes from my house!

I managed about 2 miles today.

The early bird gets the worm but the early hiker gets a face full of spider webs! Ha!


I often hike these peaks in the distance

But instead did a 7-mile neighborhood stroll with some lovely views instead

I am lucky to have so many choices of terrain nearby.


Tomorrow will be finally a day with hiking after a long time of deprivation.:star_struck:


It was quite nice and short, but a good way to test my new hiking boots. And, unfortunately, they are still a bit problematic at the sole of foot.


A few pictures from my last hike. After 20 days of hiking I desided to leave the trail and go home. It was an amazing sober journey but the weight of my backpack is taking its toll. I have some serious back pain that I can not longer enjoy the hikes.
It wasn’t a easy decision but I had the take a step back and listen to my body.

Never the less it was the best holiday ever!


Great pictures and good to listen on your body before he pulls the emergency break.


Sorry about the back pain, but happy you listened to your body. You have only one :smiling_face:
And for now a good rest and looking back to the good memories of a great holiday.
A lot of people walk the Pieterpad in smaller parts spread over a longer period. Maybe walk a part each year? And with small daypack and sleep in a B&B?


Thanks. I was thinking about that as well. I have 2 more weeks of holiday left so maybe I can do some day hikes. It’s definitely worth it to go back. :wink::slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations, and job, ( Dream), well done on what you did do! Absolutely wonderful! So happy for you! Hopefully your back will get right now that it is not strained every day, glad you stopped. Yay!! Wonderful pics!
20 days on the foot road! Amazing accomplishment!

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Went hiking in the rain which made me the only person out there.

View on Eze

View on Beaulieu Sur mer


Wow! A long walk with hights! You must be tired by now, but worth it I guess with those views :star_struck:


I love hiking in the rain. As long as it’s not thunderstorms like the hail I got caught in yesterday :grimacing:

Beautiful pics Franzi.
I’m loving your Nice adventure. I didn’t realize Nice was the second largest city in France :fr::nerd_face: Thanks Google

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I’m loving all your hiking pics too Roland. I hope you got a good ice pack and you can rest that back and feel well soon.

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I didn’t know it was so big, neither. I admit I usually avoid all the tourist spots lately. I try to get around a bit by public transport and bike just like I do in Germany.

@SoberWalker I am pleasantly tired. It was challenging as it was steep up and down. But I was lucky that the rocks were not slippery and had good grip.