2023/24 Hiking Club (Walking Sober)

Again, a nice hike during dawn.


@Planipennia thats so beautiful :heart_eyes:
And happy I came across this thread. Hiking/walking in the woods sure is a great place to be, and I miss it… Im so far away from the miles I used to go, but sober again (8days) and working on it bit by bit to get there again. :walking_woman::orange_heart::footprints:

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Congratulations to your 8 days, Laura!:+1:t2:

During my drinking times I couldn’t manage to walk some 100 metres, because I would get dizzy and so on. But it doesn’t take long and you can manage long distances again.:muscle:t2: Just go day by day and step by step.

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Made a nice hike yesterday, last day of our holiday.

It was a nice closure activaty for our holiday.
All sober and relaxed, now almost ready to go back to the normal life :upside_down_face:



A nice hike around my city:


24 km from St. Cézaire-sur-Siagne to Grasse on GR10 and 51.
Too hot for my liking but grateful to be in the forest often.

One the way to the station

Fascinating to kind of watch me getting scared instantly when the fence was missing, stop breathing, steps getting tiny. Breathe.


Le tour de la madone

I climbed up and I think I am about to develop some kind of fear of heights especially going down and looking into nothing. Nothing was secured and very rotten. But access was not forbidden.

Now watching Gran Tourismo with Orlando Bloom

And then back.

Enjoy your hike but be careful you might be shot.


Beautiful pics…glad you were safely

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So today was bike and hike. First one as far as I remember. I suffered a bit going to where the hike started. Shuffled enormous amounts of food but was low all the way up.
St. Jeannet

On my way up I was thinking how this reflects my journey here. Going uphill, being new into sobriety, not knowing the path, it’s steep and we cannot really see where to go. We lack perspective. People further down the road, looking back, seeing us want to help: they see the path from the top and shout at us, hey it’s better on the right side. From what perspective, right? Wtf. I don’t see the path. Yet, there are signs guiding us that others put there to help us.

And then, we turn around and see this.

We gain perspective and from the top we see more clearly where a good way is.

Mouton d’Anou

First olives I’ve seen so far.

After hiking feet before cleaning in the sea :see_no_evil:


Another early hike before my brain got cooked.

Le Cannet

No chance :see_no_evil:


Your hikes are always to beautiful - thank you for sharing and i loved the comparison of your hiking journey with our sobriety journey! what a lovely reflective thought


My legs looked just like that today :joy::joy: I was like dang my feet are white and then I realized it was dirt


Guadalupe High Peak Trail
Salt Flat, Texas


So today was my last hike here. It was extreme, long 31 km and hot mid 30s, 1500 Hm +.
Wasn’t the plan this morning but well.

No idea why this sign reminds me of Nutella. I was already hallucinating.

View over Nice

The real trouble was getting water. It always is here. Finally a village. Storming into a restaurant: de l’eau. He gives me a glas of cold water. Heaven. Then tells me that in this heat you shouldn’t hike. Me thinks, yeah and not drinking beer. I was still so grateful to refill my resources.

Au revoir, la cote d’Azur.


Had a stope in Switzerland and as I arrived early why not go hiking :upside_down_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: in the Alps. Wonderful region there. Reminded me a bit of where I lived some years ago. And as I was offline all day it was even more rewarding and relaxing.


Back in Germany. Another long one (32 km) with plenty of great impressions. Saw a fox early this morning really near. I was surprised and he was shocked. So no picture.


Started off in the rain. Grateful for rain gear and an umbrella.


Nice hike during the morning hours.


Wonderful weather and a nice tour.

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