2023 Roll Call -- Introduce yourself!

Hi there! :raising_hand_woman:
I’m Claudia, I’m here since september 2018.
Sober for more then 4 years now with the help of this app and the people in it.
I’m 55 years old and was sober for 5 years before and then thought I was “cured”.
Long story short: I was not. Was looking for a daycounter and found this app and discovered a bunch of nice people behind it :sunglasses:
Sober since.


Congratulations on your 100, now 105!! Good to meet you!!

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Another mod here, there’s a lot of us! I’m Menno. Found this place mid 2019 when looking for support in my quest to be sober and clean after decades of smoking and drinking -and all the rest- my life away.

And support is what I found here. This is my sober community. I’d never have gone so far as I did without it. One day at a time. On our journeys of Recovery and Discovery, but still together and connected. Because we can’t do it alone.

Trying to do life by myself left me addicted, depressed, isolated and suicidal. We’re in this together and that might be the most important lesson I learned through being here together with you all. You saved my life. No joke. Love to all of you.


Hi all I’m Lyricazelea from Texas. I am on my second day totally sober and this is the first time that I have gotten off ALL substances.

I am really curious if anyone has an experience like me. I have never gone totally off the rails with any one substance. I have had issues with opiates, alcohol, cannabis, ambien, cigarettes, caffeine, sugar, and most recently Kratom. I never go too far overboard on anything but it’s this constant experience of wanting something, and moving from one mild addiction to another all day every day. When I discovered kratom in 2021 I was taking about 3 servings every day, then I’d have a glass or two of wine a few nights a week and smoke a little pot each night before bed. This was not a super severe experience but I felt like a slave and it’s this idea that I need these substances to manage my state of consciousness throughout the day. I feel very strongly that all of this has been holding me back from my potential for success, happiness, and a healthy relationship. So I’m getting sober not because I was about to kill myself or ruin my life, but because I want to be a fully functional human and live my best life. If anyone else here is similar I would love to hear your story!


I was like that for years. Smoking cigarettes, a few drinks here and there, some coke for awhile, pills for a bit. Living my life and functioning. Sure thing. Thing is…that can change over time as we build up a tolerance or bounce from this to that and what was just ‘a party’ or manageable twists with time. So yeah, I hear you. Glad you are here making changes now to be a healthier you, feeling the feels, becoming. :sparkles:


This is my EXACT same story. I’ve always had a little of this or a little of that and have never just been free of everything. I want more clarity and enjoyment without feeling the need for a crutch of anything in my life. I constantly jump from one little vice to another instead of doing the work I should on my body, mind, and soul that would be truly beneficial.

Here with you on my day 2 free of all substances!



New to this community. 104 Days without a drink! I am 42 and have been a regular drinker for the past 20 years. Looking for a fresh start.

Trying to find new hobbies. Struggling as my wife and friends are all heavy drinkers.


Welcome and congratulations on your 104 days! I know it can be challenging (understatement!!) when our spouse and friends are heavy drinkers.


Good morning all,
I’m Sunflower, been sober from alcohol a little over 2 years with the help of this forum, specifically the gratitude thread. This place is a great resource for help and support- if you are willing to be truly open to it.


Welcome! Be active here, it will help!


Hey all! im Kelly, a recovering alcoholic…126 days sober, im 42 and a single mummy to my beautiful 5 year old daughter…im here to receive help on my recovery journey and part of that journey is for me to also help others with theirs so anyone who needs a compassionate ear feel free to contact me. I credit myself and the amazing people on here for my sobriety to date, we can do this…together. Love and light to you all :heart:


Day 1. 10 hours. For my son and to get my life back after 20 years.


Yay, congrats to you as well! We got this

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Hello all. My name is Tony. I stopped drinking on the 3rd of January 2021 - so it will/should be 2 years tomorrow. My only resources have been this forum and This Naked Mind in book and podcast form. I don’t post a great deal these days, but I read every day. There is something very powerful in knowing that you are not alone and in making yourself accountable to people who understand exactly where you are.


Thanks! Yes we do!

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Hello all and Happy New Year. This is Day 1 for me again. Hopefully I can get through today. I’ve been here before. Seems like almost every year around this time I come back to this group. Having the counter helps a lot. And when I’m having cravings, scrolling through others stories helps a lot too. Hope everyone has a nice day.


We’re on the same amount of time. We can do this right?


Yes we can—we should a stay in touch! While I am not looking forward to the coming days of anxiety, I am excited for the time back in my life.

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Welcome to the forum!

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Welcome back!