28 hours and counting


Congrats Darren! One day at a time friend. Just keep going and nothing will stop you.

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Well done @Dazc8 :+1: odaat keep it in today , when you put your head down Tonight you’ll have 48 hours :heart:

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Hey Darren – lovely to meet you and congrats on your 1+ day of sobriety :muscle:

Welcome to the community - a wonderful supportive place to be.

Hope to see you around.

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@Dazc8 Congrats on day one! :star2:
One day at at time :muscle:t2:

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Hi Darren, welcome!
Arrived at day 2! How are you doing today?
Maybe the daily check in thread is something you will like to use. It’s a very active thread with people in all stages of recovery. It’s used to daily check in there to keep ourselves accountable and help eachother when needed. Check it out here: Checking in daily to maintain focus #67 (Part 39) - #2366 by Butterflymoonwoman Feel free to join. In the beginning of my recovery I was there every day, it helped me a lot! Sober for many years now with the help of that thread and this forum.
I wish you the same.

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