Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Way to go my friend – 18 days is impressive work!

I am sorry that today is riddled with triggers. Grateful that for now you are too busy to engage. Are you able to find things to keep you on staying busy once this rhythm ends? I had to constantly keep myself occupied mentally and physically for the first few months.

Here for you Thomas - ODAAT :muscle: :pray:


Hey Nick, it’s good to see you posting again :blush:. I am happy to hear that you took time off to be with people, and time for yourself today. You are sounding good! Stop by whenever you can, you always have good stuff to share.



Four years sober today. Still working on a lot of emotional / spiritual stuff, but grateful to be where I am.
Shout out to sober twin @CATMANCAM congrats to you.


Way to go Flo!!! So happy to see this

You and Cam @CATMANCAM are indeed sober twins and badasses :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:


Wow :star_struck: Amazing work Flo!!! Congratulations on 4 years!!! Ur truly an inspiration to me :slight_smile:


Day 909
I really had a decent day today. Im so glad to be feeling better mentally. I feel somewhat better physically, but i still need to work on that. Just making sure i eat better foods in the right amounts.

Anyway work was good! I was really productive and got alot done. Came home to cook supper, did a load of laundry, gave my son a bath, and now just putting him to bed. Going to relax with hubby soon after some well deserved self care. Feeling pretty good overall and i am so grateful to my HP for guiding me thru the hard times and getting me here. Hope u all are having a fabulous weekend so far! :butterfly:


Congratulations to you and @CATMANCAM !


Congratulations on 4 years!


Congrats to @CATMANCAM and @Misokatsu on 4 YEARS!! That’s fantastic! :tada:


Day 97

It’s been a rough week in my house. This time last week I was staying in a hotel due to hazardous drunk family member. Just been emotionally exhausting this week. Haven’t felt “normal”. Really threw me off.
So I decided to take a few days off work in a couple weeks and go camping with the pup. We will celebrate sobriety camping right next to a beautiful lake at the state park. Just us, God, some trails, a kayak, a fire, good food, good book, and rest.


Huge congratulations Misokatsu :people_hugging:

Always good to have you here :heart:



This is huge Cam!
Huge congratulations from my side :people_hugging:
Glad to be part of your way 🩵



@Chance 40 years!!! :astonished: Congratulations :tada: Such an honor to have you as a part of this community. You give hope to us all by letting us know it can be done! But I think more importantly, it shows us that this really is a lifelong journey, and that we always need to stay connected to our people no matter how long we’ve been away from our vice. Thank you for being here :pray: (and for all the :heart:s :wink:)
@JuliaLuna Congrats on 11 months! You’ve come such a long way since the day you began! Keep up the great work :+1:
@CATMANCAM Congratulations on 4 years!!! I always love to see your consistentcy and continuing progression :clap: Inspiring :sparkles:
@JazzyS Glad you’re on my side :wink: It doesn’t help that my manager is only 23. Not enough experience to think she knows it all the way she does :unamused:
@Misokatsu Congrats on your 4 years too!!! Apparently it’s a great day to get sober :joy: Glad you’re celebrating with us :heart:


Today felt long. I slept decent but had to get moving immediately in order to get stuff done before work and felt a bit rushed. Then, I get to work at 3 and find out my party doesn’t start until 6 and my 3 other coworkers with me weren’t in til 4:30! Why?! I did virtually nothing but walk around for 3 hours. Such a waste :face_exhaling: We were all there pretty late and have to be back early tomorrow so I’m heading to bed pretty soon. Goodnight everyone :heart:



Day went well overall. Work went smoothly, people are glad to see me back home, and I hung out with some friends and had a fire which isn’t something I do often. Was nice catching up with people and made me feel valued.

Person of interest I’ve been talking to has started responding more often. I’m glad he’s actually taken action to change, that means something, although still frustrated I had to mention it in the first place. Our relationship probably won’t go anywhere anyway since he lives in another country, so I guess I’ll just try to enjoy it while it lasts and not get too caught up on it, as difficult as that will be. I can’t really do much but just see how things go. Part of me still really wants to go visit him again but I know that’s just gonna strengthen feelings and make things even harder. Ugh.

Sharing meme I just found that made me laugh :joy:


Good morning, ive not been on in a while to check in. I’m on day 35 today. Going to take my kids to the beach today. Should be fun.


Congratulations Flo and you too ofcourse @CATMANCAM :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Good to have the both of you here! :heavy_heart_exclamation::kiss:

Hope you enjoy this happy sober dance!



Watching the ladies run the marathon in Paris :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:. Glad to be on the :couch_and_lamp: with a :coffee:. Yesterday was good, did a long ride to get groceries and cheese. Taking it easy today, there’s some very warm weather ahead. Will try to keep my cool, which will be made easier by staying sober and clean. Have as good a day as you can all. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love.

@Chance #40# years!!! Huge congrats. Thanks for the inspiration friend.
@CATMANCAM & @Misokatsu Congrats you both!!! Thanks so much for being on the road with me and us all. Big hugs and much love.


I haven’t checked in for a while, I woke up this morning thinking “yeah, I’m 225 days sober” but when I opened the app it showed that I’m actually 226 days sober. So I’m extra happy about that.
I hope you’re all doing well & having an amazing Sunday :grin::heartpulse:


Day 2333 AF. 90 tobacco free! It feels good to be 3 month tobacco free.

Cut camping short. Decided to pack up Saturday night and head home. This year we haven’t been as excited to go as we normally have been. Our cups are so full, it seemed to be just another task.

Stay sober friends!!


:star_struck: soo happy for you congratulation’s. I’m very grateful your doing so well on your recovery and all the wisdom you’ve imparted and for all the help you’ve offered me :heart: . Have a wonderful sobriety birthday :partying_face: