3 days sober but constant night terrors

Firstly im an alcoholic. Ill drink and immediately get shakes, night sweats and so on but the main thing that im afraid of is night terrors. I drink 1 day and stay sober the next 3 when i shouldnt even be drinking at all. My nights are so terrifying when i try to sleep even though i can’t even sleep and have insane insonmia. When i try to sleep, every 20-60 mins my body will jolt awake and my body will spaz. My dreams are terrifying as well. Part of the jolts are associated with my dreams. I can dream i step on a gernade and its almost like i hear it so vividly it actually hurts my ears. I feel like i get tazed and mainly my legs are the parts of me that move but sometimes its my entire body if im laying on my back. After a week or so they stop but really the nights are what scare me the most. Has anyone else had this experience?

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It won’t last long, soon you will be having amazing dreams and great ideas :slight_smile:


Hey Zach. Nevermind the dreams. Drink some camomile tea and wait for them to level out with progressing time of sobriety.

What is your plan to stay sober? It sounds like you’re stuck in a rut relapsing. What are you going to do differently this time to give yourself a better chance?
Here are some things that others are doing successfully:

Resources for our recovery

Here is some invaluable advice:
Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

You been to any meetings or at least spent a lot of time reading on here yet? The latter has helped me a lot. If I was you, when I couldn’t sleep, I’d come on here and read read read. :+1:

Best of luck.


Have you consulted a medical professional about this?

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Yeah they didnt know

I moved back home with my family. It’s much better than living alone in a apt so i now have a better support network. Also im trying new supplements that i never considered before and fixing my diet so im less influenced to drink. And i have gone to AA a few times just hard with my schedule.
Theres no garentee but ive definitely got better odds this time. Through therapy i realized i actually have reasons to feel the way i do so it makes be feel a little better and don’t put myself down. Everytime i get a urge ive been walking running cause excersise helps the most.
Thanks for your input ill look into your sources

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Continuing to drink will definitely keep your body in an altered state. Three days sober unfortunately hasn’t given your body a chance to cleanse. or get close to homeostasis. Here’s an article I pulled up, which I think would do me well to read everyday!

Signs of Alcoholism | Palmetto Addiction Recovery Center.

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I totally get where your coming from. Iv had insane night terrors this week being my first week sober. I’m quite a lucid dreamer but I was dreaming I was being attacked and sounds bizarre but I felt the pain and woke up with all my muscles contracted sweating and heart pounding. It’s awful so I completely sympathise. It makes you dread going to sleep. Last day or so iv been getting really tired early and I’m having full night sound sleep. So I can only say to you it will ease your body and mind just need time x


Yes exactly! It’s really scary. Last night i maybe only had 1 or 2 rather than like 20 throughout the night. Thanks for your message


Hi Zachary, I went through the jolting thing too. It’s a little freaky but shouldn’t last long. Your brain needs time to sort things out and heal. Sleeping can be tough for a while. I still have weird vivid dreams but generally not scary.


Ive experienced this exact thing! It will pass!


I had day after day nightmares that were so vivid I wouldn’t know if what happened was real. You’re not alone :heart: they thankfully slowed the longer I’m sober


Glad to hear :slight_smile:


Please look at Wim Hof breathing techniques and cold water therapy on YT.
JRE podcast is a good start.
I’ve been having cold showers for the last two week’s and feel grounded af.
The dude holds numerous world records for ice diving, he also climbed Mt Kilimanjaro in just his shorts and shoes.