30 day challenges

Back on track today was able to do the 150 for all three plus my work out :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2:


Love it :fire:ya gonna go hard next week should be 100% rock minun veljeni

Lol I try have a great day buddy :zap:

Awesome. Tomorrow starts day one. I haven’t ran in a while, so I’ll start with 1 mile for week 1, and work my way to 3 by day 30.


Heck yes!

And for me, day 9 has mixed results… Fell short (50) on my lunges today after pulling my gluteus medus. Stretching helped work it out, but tomorrow my sore bum may need to slow down!

Definitely have to rest your sore muscles . Epsom salts and I go way back. Recently discovered a tumeric supplement too which has really helped a bad knee, and is supposed to help with post workouts. I really hoping it doesn’t disappoint after I put it to the test tomorrow.

You sound like @Yoda-Stevie. He swears by that stuff, too, so most be legit. I save mine for food. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I might give it a go.

(Speaking of whom, wasn’t he gonna join this after his belt test…?)

I was surprised it worked. It a powder you can add into your shakes. You have nothing to lose.

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Day 10 yoga done.

Such a good way to start the day, I plan on keeping this going after the 30 days.

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Oh. Oh sh… My bad, @Yoda-Stevie!

Day off today. Cortisone shot yesterday for my “frozen shoulder” (pain, stiffness & no range of motion). Its caused by being an old fart. Maybe a walk later today to check the box. Feels like i got shot in the shoulder… with a cannon. Keep up the great work everyone!

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I didn´t do any workout yesterday…I had such a long and hard day that, when I finaly got home, I couldn´t bring myself to anything but take a shower and go to bed :disappointed:
Got to do better today!

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Has to be said that my motivation is low again, tiredness and blah blah blah more excuses :joy: I didn’t want to but got my butt in gear and did a 2 mile power walk today, not the best progress with the challenge but I seem to be loosing weight


It’s OK. I am on the mend. Have set October 1st as my day to start my challenge, and go back to class too.


challenge met for today did all sit ups with a 10 lb plate lunges were a bit shitty today … have been raining here and having to wear big boots in the mud everyday is hard on my knees :smiley:but got it done . Hope everyone has a supersober. Day

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Exactly! When my daughter took up archery, I told her “The arrow doesn’t care if you’ve had a bad day, or are tired. All it cares about is you doing what you need to do, so it can do what it wants to do: Hit the Bullseye.”

My goal is to get back kickboxing, I don’t want to go back and feel embarrassed that I’m out of shape and can’t be at the level I was before taking time out for recovery

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Yeah, listening to my body works especially well since I stopped poisining it :slight_smile:
Feeling great today, day 10 is done.

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Yes! I can do more then 50 sit-ups in a row, my legs feel tighter (I can feel the muscles grow) the push ups are still the hardest but it get’s easier…maybe I can do some real ones soon!


You are right, setting a actuall goal is the way to go. Lets see if 30 push ups are possible

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