365 days of recovery

A year ago today, my life was completely unmanageable. Alcohol controlled my every thought and move since I was 12 years old…
Today I woke up one year alcohol free… Thanks to all of you, AA, and my higher power that I have found along the way.
I have been living a life this last year that I never thought was possible.
I know i could have never done this by myself.


Outstanding Job, Steve!

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Holy crap a year!! It’s been a pleasure seeing you come this far buddy. A memory that sticks out from when I was fairly new to the site was you having to fly. And Fly sober at that! You were scared and anxious but you did what we are supposed to do and reached out. Pretty awesome.

Enjoy your cake man. You’ve earned it


Congratulations on one yeay sobet. So proud, so happy for you.

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You Da Man Steve. Way to go!!!

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Woot woot to a HUGE milestone! You are such an inspirational, and insightful, helpful person on this forum!

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Congratulations @Steve92! You have been through a lot of changes and you have inspired us all each time.

:balloon: :sparkler:


You are an inspiration <3. Happy sober birthday!!


Hey sorry I’m late Congratulations. Rocking recovery for a whole year!! Awesome example you are setting

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Congrats! Posts like this give me such motivation! 13 days sober, and I already am feeling a difference. I hope I can make it to a whole year! One day at a time. Congrats again! :grin:

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Thank you all so much for your support!!! Had to work late last night, am planning on going out with my new gf after work :wink: it’s been an amazing journey and I have done so many things I never thought were possible. Thank you


Congratulations @Steve92 , you deserve it all the positive things life Will bring you. You were the first person who talk to me and encouraged me and I will never forget That.I big hug mate, so proud of all this brotherhood

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Congratulations :raised_hands: You’re doing brilliantly awesome & may this new journey continue to bring you amazing adventures filled with peace and love…

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What an inspiration. Congratulations on the 1yr mark.

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I am so proud of you! Well done!! Keep on posting. You are one of my steady ones to follow :v:

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Amazing job!! You’ve been such an amazing inspiration!! :slight_smile:

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I’m only at day 7 this is gonna take forever to get to a year

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Lol true…i’ve been on vacation for 11 days and haven’t touched anything so that is a huge accomplisment

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Yay! Congratulations, Steve!!!

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Hey how are you doing? Don’t recall hearing recently