410 days gone

I feel so stupid… Hanging out with the wrong people. Last night a couple of my “Friends” stopped by and we got to drinking and I ended up taking pills and I feel so stupid and like I’m failing my kids …

I just don’t know what to do😔

Start doing the things you did before, what did you do day 1 last time you relapsed?

It was good enough to get you to 410 days, it’ll be a good way to get you to day 2.


Just feel like I failed in a way the last time I relapsed I lost.my mom and I can’t stop thinking about it

You haven’t failed, failure is permanent. It’s a setback, sure, but you can turn it around. How many times have you fucked up in life? Loads I’m sure like we all have, so it’s just another fuck up, nothing new, no big deal, start again and keep moving.


Sorry you lost your mom, that’s not something I’d wish on anyone.

What about the living? What more do you stand to lose if you don’t get sober again?

Yesterday is permanent, set in stone. Who the hell knows about tomorrow, it’s purely unknow. Today, right now you have the power to make the right choice, today is the only thing you control. Focus on today.

You’re gonna get through this. I know you will. Believe in the power of you, you can control which path you take.


Hay please dont give yourself a hard time… you can get back on the recovery boat and learn from this … for myself I believe I can’t be around old friends when they drink or drug as comfortable as i am in my recovery i won’t take the chance to be around it … sending lots of love and strength x


Just do what you dit those 410 days. Get right back to it.
I know how you feel, been there too like many of us. Was sober for 5 years and relapsed.
I see it like 3 steps forward and 2 steps backwards. But then you are still moving forward isn’t it! So try to leave your bad feeling behind.
Learn from your relapse and think about tools to avoid a new one. Make this your last day 1 ever, how does that sound!? Let’s go get it! :facepunch:


Don’t beat yourself up over this. Just get back up and carry on. But take a lesson from it.


So sorry to hear about your mom!
The only thing there is to do is try again. Yesterday is over so make today your goal :kissing_heart:


You got this!!!

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I’m sorry to hear about your mom @Lil_Mama …I’m glad to see you back in the community again. It’s a great first step.:slightly_smiling_face: 410 days is a huge accomplishment… so don’t look at it as a failure. It is a part of your recovery. Use it as a learning tool. Learn from from it… educate others from your experience…:muscle:
Again… Condolences for your loss @Lil_Mama
#sobrietyrocks :pray:


You get back on the path, you pick up those 410 days, and you start adding again until you hit 410 again, and then you blow past it to 411, 415, 800, 1000.

If you want to remain free, it’s the only thing you can do…oh, and ditch those “friends”. Those aren’t friends. Those are crabs in a bucket.


Your success is not measured by how high you can climb, but how high you can bounce back when you hit the bottom.

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The only perfect person was Jesus Christ, and none of us are him. The important thing right now is what do we do to make sure we don’t do the same thing again. If recovery was easy, the rooms of AA, NA, CA and what ever anonymous would be empty because after getting clean and sober we wouldn’t need to recover from anything. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never be ours. Take it one day at a time.