6 days sober.......used CBD drinks and gummys to get through the detox,

work days are better than non work days, work days eat up a good part of the day, non-work days drag on and it is hard to keep busy/distracted.

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I am in the same spot, grateful to have this app to come to. My addiction thrives when I keep secrets and donā€™t let people in to help. This app was a start for me.

Go easy on yourself. Boredom can feel uncomfortable but the latter is worse. Is there any hobby or any thing that comes to mind that could interest you and fill your time on the days you find yourself staring at the clock?

For me I enjoy cooking a new recipe , or tending to my plants. The longest time period I have been sober is 4 months and by the 4th month I had SO many things come back to me that I lost in myself from years of alcohol abuse.

Wanting this time to be the time I really stick up for me and give my body mind and heart what it needs - peace and harmony.

Hang in there , you are not alone in this.


Still hanging in here.

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So quit on Sunday 7/21 at about 4 PM, so I think I am on my 9th day?

Thank you! I still get occasional hand shakes, usually when I am stressed. drinking the sparkling lemon water, CBD and small amount thc, but am planning on stopping that soon, still anxious, on edge, etc. I have been eating a lot of fruit and veggies, I think next I need to exercise- ride my bike HARD. Shake loose all the toxins and stuff.

I think today is 9 days. still drinking waters and taking CBD. Did not sleep well last night.

Yes ! Exercise if you are up for it , it will help spike some dopamine ! I get anxious and feel weird every now and then throughout the day but I am trying to learn to control my thoughts not to let them control me.

CBD to me is healing and calming but THC could possibly be causing the anxiety and uneasiness.

Hope you found some joy today. I try to think of one thing in the morning Iā€™m looking forward to in my day. Most days itā€™s getting home from work putting cozy clothes on and trying to relax.
Finding peace in the uncomfortableness of just sitting there !


Keep fighting the good fight! You are doing a great job! I quit smoking 11 days ago. I just want everyone to know. But only a few do. Im almost 4 year alcohol free. Itā€™s a beautiful journey you are on. It will keep getting better! Im rooting for ya!!


Yes the THC makes me feel anxious/slight paranoid, but sometimes it relaxes my body- not always, CBD is nice calm without the THC side effects. How many MG of CBD is the right amount?

yes! I quit smoking 21 years ago, watch out the next few days, once you hit 15 days it starts getting better, fast!


Ooooo. Good to know! Im sooooo close to 15 days. Im doing much better than i thought i would. Haha when the cravings come i just remind myself " i dont do that anymore"


Day 11? last night was tuff, today a bit better, lots of lemon sparkling waters. I got to keep busy.


Good stuff, two digit numbers now.

Yesterday after work was surprisingly bad, shakes, anxious, wanted beer, but drank my waters, and took CBD and thc, somehow took too much THC, felt like I was out of it, like drunk. watched the THC today-much better. the next few non work days will be tuff, need to stay busy.

Yeah those days happen. Ever look into making your own gummies or juice? I been thinking about making my own healthy and flavour bomb combos. All the best

I have not, I would like to learn more. The THC drinks they sell are WAY to strong for me, besides, I like the CBD better sometimes with THC. if they made a cheap 1 mg THC/10 mg CBD drink that would be great.

Not only can be a hobby to learn about how to make your own but can help with boredom on the weekend. Making gummies for example is great because you can of course make your own flavours but can dose accordingly. I suggest pineapple and ginger, not only is it tasty but ginger is great for stomach and promotes relaxation.

where do I get more info? where do I buy supplies?
Today I drank 12 cans of lemon water.
it was bad but not bad as Thursday.
I need to just start to do something when that feeling hits [the feeling is, shaky, anxious, not calm at all, but it passes]
hoping it gets better soon. 2 weeks ago today was my last drink.

the worst part is working in the garage-i ONLY drank in the garage-not in the house, deck,bar,socially. ONLY in the garage and that is where I am really struggling.

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Not sure if you speak to a doctor but I know for me my recovery changed when I started taking a medication to help with anxiety, life stresses, my OCD way and suchā€¦ if you havenā€™t spoke to a professional I highly suggest because it could change your life and make your recovery much easier.
To make gummies or a drink you just need the oils. Which can be bought online or at most pot stores. For gummies just check online but you need juices, gelatin and moulds. Iā€™ve only made ice tea but it was done the same way as normal ice tea and since most oils have very little taste just drop it in. Google is a great source or just your imagination.
Ever think about having one of your non alcoholic drinks somewhere but your garage? Maybe one a day outside, at a park or something could be an option.

I no longer drink.
I might talk to my doctor.
I also can talk on the phone to a counselor but I have not done that yet.