6 days sober.......used CBD drinks and gummys to get through the detox,

Sorry but not talking about alcohol but one of your drinks that you mentioned earlier

Got it, I emailed my Dr.

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I spent over 30 years always needing and being addicted to something but when I started taking Citalopram it changed my life therefore my addiction also. Not sure what happen but my negative self talk, my need for control, my ego and my prospective changed. I donā€™t understand what happened but it was a game changer.
I wish you the best and the weekends almost done! Congrats

Wow, just wow. I used to take that! I stopped taking it over a year or two ago, I emailed my DR telling her how I quit drinking and asking if I should start taking it again, how much do you take? my dose is 30mg per day [if I remember correctly]

I still have a full container of it, not sure if I should just start taking it again, will see what the DR says.

I am at 20mg, started with 10mg and now 20mg for about 2 months. I am 43 years old and I canā€™t help but see how I would have benefited from this or something like this years ago.
Every other time I tried to stop using it was uncomfortable and very much a struggle but I find with this medication it became easy. I donā€™t want to sound like I take my recovery for granted and I know that Iā€™m an addict and I can get fooled again but itā€™s been easy. I think itā€™s because my prospective changed, my prospective on myself changed with help from the pill and therefore my clean time has been easier than any other time.
It has been such a game changer for me.

Thanks. I will see what my DR says, I was drinking when I was taking ciltrapram so maybe it cancelled it out? It will be interesting taking it sober.

just checked. I was on 20mg too. I just took a 10 mg because if I remember right, it takes awhile to build up and work.

Yeah drinking with it donā€™t mix, not sure what it would do but since this meant to release back the feel good feelings in the brain I could see how booze may contradict it.
When I started I said to myself Iā€™m doing for 45 days and then see how I feel and if it makes sense to continue. I honestly thought it would do nothing but something got wired in my brain that needed it.
I hope that you and your doctor have a great talk.

how long did it take to notice? or was it so gradual that you really cant pinpoint it?

I started feeling more mentally healthy within a week but all the other good stuff were gradual. I did have a couple of the early side effects but they subsided and the benefits always made it make sense to continue use of the medication.

Today was better, lots of water.

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The best day so far! More energy, less withdrawals, best day by far. Not expecting it to be this good every day but I can hope.


Awesome to hear. Thank you for your shares.
There will be even better!

Did not sleep good last night, but today was like yesterday!

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Youā€™re crushing it! :muscle:

today was good,cant remember how many days, donā€™t really matter.

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I think its day 17, I know a week ago today was a tough day, today was not tough.


Hoping for a good LONG sleep tonight.


bored again. not sure what to do with the time. still not very energetic, feel like I am not really here.

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