6 days sober.......used CBD drinks and gummys to get through the detox,

I am not really craving it but am bored like crazy, have zero energy.


everyday about 10 beers, never missed a day in 15 years. not liking this so far. have little enthusiasm, I used to get a lot more done when I drank. I am alone, live alone, the withdrawals wern’t bad, just hiding in my room waiting to sleep.


feel kind of spacey and off. I quit a week ago tomorrow. bored. sleep was bad until Friday, then it was ok, then last night was a bit better yet, hoping tonight will be even better.


my body feels better. I think the gummys make me anxious but also mellow me out, drink sparkling water for the beer habit and it seems to kinda work. I think I am way more hydrated. Physically I feel good- still hand shakes at times- but my mental part is weird, again probably the gummies [I never smoked pot so not sure how it feels]

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tomorrow at 5pm will be 1 week sober [I quit last Sunday at 5pm]


I have few people in my life-mainly work people- I have not told anyone I quit yet.

is there anyone here? I’m trying to just lay in bed until its time to sleep.

Good stuff on the 6 days. Energy, excitement and joy will come back. I know what’s it like waiting for sleep, my first 30 days was like that and I would have more here and there till about 90 days than a lot of heaviness etc was dissolved a little. I wish you the best! Hope that you have some good TV shows and movies.

last night was the best sleep since quiting, might take a melatonin tonight. I cant wait for the energy, excitement and joy.!!


Here are some links for you. You don’t have to figure this out on your own.


It will come. It will not be overnight but it will come. The cool thing is the things that use to bring you joy and excitement still exist. What helped me is surround myself around feel good stuff either be favourite foods, music or movies. If you can create a routine daily for 60mins of enjoyment it will grow.

thank you. I mainly need someone to talk too, because I am alone, and I am a proud man and don’t want to tell people about this. I might get some resources at work too.

I hardly remember what I like anymore, but will try to remember.

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Yeah you’re still defrosting. I know how that is. It will come.
Im at 155 days today and there are still parts of me that I am rediscovering. Numbing oneself for years has a price.


I got permanently sober using Antabuse, individual counseling and AA. I stopped the Antabuse after a month, the counseling after 3 years and the AA never. I still go 3 times a week and check in here daily. The investment of time is well worth it, compared to the alternative.

AA meetings are great places to feel safe in sobriety and to meet others who will help you along your way and ask nothing in return. Helping one another is itself the reward for us.


Still defrosting…I haven’t heard this term in these circumstances before but it is perfect!

@bandit1 I hope you are doing better…must be more than a week now. Just take it one moment at a time. All those years of basically not being you will have made you forget who the real you is. The fun bit of recovery is discovery! Peeling off all those layers and exposing yourself to yourself and finding out all the things you like and things you don’t like and just living life un-numbed. :slight_smile:


Looking back, the thing that I am proudest about is that I asked for help.


how much did you drink? everyday?

me- everyday about 10 beers after work in my garage, more on weekends, in the garage, I only drink in the garage-not in the house, on the deck, at bars, no where else but in the garage. this last week I have switched out the beer with lemon sparkling water, drink about 8 cans per day, I also have been taking CBD,THC gummies to get through withdrawals [heard CBD THC can help with this] I think the withdrawals are past so probably need to stop with the THC , now I need to find something else to do and avoid the garage trigger.

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I am learning the CBD is better than the THC, the CBD calms me, the THC makes me feel tipsy but also a little anxious. anyways so I quit a week ago [last beer 4 pm Sunday. I still have some hand shakes and feeling lazy and not getting as much done, BUT, I almost felt happy for a second today! I am laying in bed getting ready for sleep. My sleep was fair the last 3 nights- much better than the first 3 days, say, 6 out of 10. my body feels good, notice that I am more hydrated and my pee is not dark at all, body feels fine, mentally probably 6 out of 10. spent time in garage- 1 THC seltzer, CBD gummy, 7 cans sparkling water.

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I still haven’t told anyone, hinted to a co worker