7 days cigarette free

@Ascend I’m on the same road as yourself. I’m almost a week sober, I need a little more time before I consider giving up cigarettes though. Good luck :smiley:

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Congrats on quitting! I know just how difficult it is. I’m Coming up on my 1 year mark in August. If you ever wanna chat I’m here.

Like with any habit you have to do a lot of distracting yourself for the first three months, and you should feel pretty good, but don’t let that feeling lull you into complacency…I have found in past quits that I would go smoke free for months and then think I could have one, which ultimately pulled me back in.

You can never have just one…ever. You may get away with it a couple times, but they are designed to keep us chained. Kept me chained for almost 26 years.

Again, congrats on putting them down! It’s the best thing you can do for yourself; well at least one of the best!

May health and blessings be yours!


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