7 days? I want more

That’s exactly what it is, Thurs Fri comes around and my mind is like " the weekend is here , let’s party" but it’s never worth it and it never feels right, I have to work on that

Clara, congratulations, 12 days is amazing. I went from 7 back to 1 and I really want to see that 8 or 9 or 12 so be proud! You rock!

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I had to take myself out of social circulation for approximately six months when I first got sober. And it started with getting out of work early on Fridays, before the drinking crew began to gather. I knew that I needed to get myself out of the area because I was not sure enough or strong enough about sobriety to withstand the social pressure. And there’s a LOT of social pressure to drink. Friday nights were my big night, for years and years and years. Nothing I looked forward to more than a good binge session with a weekend to recover. I was a social drinker so I had to stay away from bars and my drinking friends.
My home was safe because that’s not where I drank.

I seriously cocooned the first six months of sobriety (which coincided with fall and winter). I went to work, came home, watched hours of crappy tv and ate tons of sugar. And I felt pretty sorry for myself too. But around the six month mark, I started getting outside. I got a Fitbit. I walked to parks and all over my city. I developed one serious walking and exercise habit that I have maintained over the last five plus years of my sobriety.

After the first six months, I had made it past the most difficult period and I was a lot stronger in my resolve.

Seven days is good. Change up your routine at the end of the week— when you would normally indulge. Take yourself out of your old patterns and slowly you will begin to develop new ones.

It’s lovely not to feel stuck in the rut I was in for so long. My Friday nights were my weekly holiday but also my weekly shame.



Oh, that’’s funny, I didn’t even realize what I was basically saying was ‘one day at a time.’ Maybe because when I hear that phrase, I think of Valerie Bertanelli and Bonnie and Schneider on that (old) TV show. But it’s nice to hear you told yourself this - about tomorrow. Because I sort of feel like I’m cheating? But (so far) it’s working, so I’ll take it!

Vik, hi! I’m happy to see your comment and THANK YOU for the good vibes. What day are you on now? I’m almost at 14 days and I have a concert too coming up on Tuesday and am a little nervous. But it’s a classical guitar concert so really, how wild and crazy can that get? And I’m looking forward to seeing your “9 days!” Post.

Thanks for sharing Clara! I can never hear it enough that the first drink is the most important one to say no to.


Thank you, I’m looking forward to the 9 day post as well! I’m going to get there. I’m working on it :+1: I’m back at 2 days after that break of the 7 days streak, but I have the confidence to get past that number. I like the saying "I know what it feels like if I give up, I want to feel what it’s like not to":slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey Vik - you go to the gym, I also go to the gym. There’s a quote splashed across the mirror wall - Don’t wish for it. Work for it.

Do something different, particularly as you get closer to day 7. Wanting it harder, or having good intentions is not enough. Here is an awesome list of sobriety resources - meetings, readings and other activities. Pick one for day 5, one for day 6, one for day 7 and one for day 8. That’ll get you some good exposure and over that hump.

Blessings on your house. :pray:

Resources for our recovery


I’m so glad you are back! I worry that when I slip, I’ll just stay slipped. And feel sorry for myself. So hurray for you…Day two! Day 9 is just around the corner.


I really like that idea! I have a plan for day 7 this week where I’ll be training at the gym so I HAVE to be in good spirits so I’m excited for that, but having a plan for the days leading up sounds awesome. Thank you for suggestion!

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Alone it’s hard, maybe someone in your family or friends can stay with you a few days after de 7th day?

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This is exactly what I needed to read today. I’m at day 8, and I work hospo. Drinking socially and getting off after work on Friday Saturday nights, heading out with everyone is going to be a struggle. I feel safe at home, I’m taking myself straight home after work bows and I was wondering if it will ever get easier or if I will have to just cut my friends off completely. I think I just need a few months to break the habits and form some healthier ones before I feel social again. It makes me feel really hopeful reading stories like yours :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It gets easier! But give it time.

I kept most of my friendships. My real friends were generally happy and supportive of me, even if they were surprised when I first stopped drinking. A few of my friends significantly reduced their own drinking over time and credited my example. My sister also quit drinking after I’d been sober a number of years. People can see the benefits of sobriety in you.

I lost several drinking buddies along the way: relationships I had built in bars that didn’t go much beyond drinking shenanigans. My drinking buddies took my sobriety the hardest: drunks like other people to drink with. I heard lots of advice about moderation (that’s never worked for me, or them) and I was cut off from some of my former drinking buds, which hurt but ultimately made sense because they want to keep drinking and my sobriety is a real downer for them. When I was drinking, I hated sober people. I didn’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want to drink. So I get it. I remember being where they are.

Early sobriety was definitely a lonely period for me and I felt left out. Social media was a bummer as I saw pics of my friends out at bars having what appeared to be the time of their lives. I had to keep reminding myself how un-fun the days after a binge had been for me; how much money and time I squandered while drunk; how little I remembered from those oh so fun nights and how much damage I had done to relationships while Shitfaced.

Over the last five and a half years sober, I have developed different ways to have fun that don’t involve sitting in a bar: I’ve started writing fiction, am involved in writing groups, book groups, I see live theater and dance weekly, I spend time outside everyday and I exercise a lot. My lifestyle is so much healthier than it was and I am so much healthier and happier than I was. It feels really good. It’s amazing to look back at how many years I spent going nowhere but to the bar and back.

Congratulations on 8 days, great beginning!

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Made it past 7 days! It wasn’t easy by any means but I made it, I’m so happy! I feel good and now it to the next 7 :hugs:


Yay Vik!!! Stay strong!

Good deal man!

I’m looking forward to being able to say 12 days AF! Good job! Keep going!

VioletM, you can do it! I’m ridiculously pleased with 21 days now. It feels really great. (Mostly!). I send good thoughts and mojo your way.

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Thank you! 21 days is amazing

I envy you guys!

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