9 Month's Sober - I'm back <3

Im a little over 9 months sober, I’ve taken a break from TalkingSober for a few months due to life getting in the way and me staying busy at my new job ive had since my sobriety basically. I wanted to give you guys an update, and see how many “old timers” are still here with me. I want to pursue to be more active in this app and to continue to share and help people with my story, which can be found here:

I will be releasing a massive life story on my 1 year sobriety date which for oyu book worms who like reading, this would definatley be for you because its going to be some 60+ pages long of my drug struggles and how they became what they where.

I hope each and every one of you reading this are doing better than before, If not, trust me theres HOPE. I’m someone who took rock bottom to the high heavens and shined it up for myself.

I’m doing well, And im glad to be back to be apart of this community more, and please if you need some advice feel free to message me, Im extremley supportive and in the past have had individuals message me before. I know how hard this challenge is, I absolutley do.

for someone whos only 23 years old, choosing this life is a big life decision. And in all honesty, all of my advice and good words and support have all came from people I didnt know until that day. This is why im in love with TalkingSober and have never forgot about it, because I know first hand how much of an impact a stranger can have on someone.

Im happy to be back, see me commenting more frequently. - Damian


Happy to see you back Damien! I’m also busy so I am in and out too-balance is a good thing my friend. Happy to see you are doing well! :heart:

Glad you’re doing ok, welcome back 🙋

Glad to see you back and sober💛