Drug Struggles and Now. Cocaine

So proud of you!!! Happy one week-aversary! Lol.
Many blessing sent your way friend

Thank you for sharing your story. I’m also quitting booze and cocaine. You and @Umpf make me feel I’m not alone in my journey. Can’t wait to read your book when it gets published!

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Me too! It’s nice to know I’m not alone with this.


You aren’t! :blush:


Thanks for sharing your story. Your honesty with your self and hopeful positive attitude, wanting the better life for yourself, are things I expect will go a long ways to supporting your recovery. It’s a great way to begin. Looking forward to your shares from your journey with us :slight_smile:

Thank you all! Its going to be a long road,ahead, but whoever struggles, you’re not alone, never think so!


Hey @Damian congrats on every day clean which is so tough. You’re killing it😁

Btw you have shared some key personal deets on your pic. Anyone can see our posts if they come up via a search engine search. Do you want this info visible?

Take care. X

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Absolutley doesnt matter to me, Ive been in the internet world for a long time now.

Id rather have people know who I am, my story and my life than not. Because it could help many more than just me.

This was absolutely inspiring. I’ve struggled too with this and alcohol. Alcohol is the reason why I would do cocaine. If I dont drink then I won’t do that. Either way I cant drink anymore. I’m so sick to my stomach. Your story is so empowering and I am so proud of you for what you did to help with your addiction. Thank you for sharing your story!


Day 1, again. Your story is so inspiring. I need to quit beating up myself and actually stay sober this time around.

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Thank you so much, all you have to do is ask for help and you will receive it. I was the same way as you alcohol become a demon over time. I never thought id drink because of the abuse my ex step dad put my mom through and stress it gave me. but i started. Thats another reason why I have to do this, im pretty kind, respectful person. It wouldnt be the abuse that sets me apart from having a great family it would be the coming home late.

I wish all the best for you, Everything happens for a reason, when you start to realize stuff is happening its a great feeling and you can give up. This is a tough path for everybody. The toughest path in life is following the word of God.

Christian or not, all you have to be is respectful and care for one another. change will happen if you believe or not because youre doing good to you and others. Either way, it makes a better you.

No matter the storm youve been through there is always an empty dock to park your ship and ride out the storm. There will be others at that dock, I would consider these forums that dock and anchor to help people who admit to themselves they have a problem.

Good luck on your journey, wish all the best for you. Never give up and let a demon ride you.


Thank you so much for your kind words. Alcohol has created a prisoner out of me. My grandfather died from alcoholism. I hate that I’m this way, but I have to accept it and ask for help. The sober me and the drunk/high me are too totally different people. I’m sure that goes for a lot of us. Its hurting my family and I just can’t live this way anymore. I need to go to AA in the morning, ask for help and start working the steps. I cant wait for the days to arrive that arent filled with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. I got a little taste of sobriety for 8 months and I cant wait to experience it again. 11 hours down now. A lifetime more to go. I hope all is well with you too :yum:


Yesterday I got my DOT medical card approved! I would not of been able to on the path I was on. Next up, starting my new job as a senior warehouse manager!

Then grabbing my CDL and also finding a farm job to work with animals on the weekends which I really miss doing!

Sober train for the win! the future is bright, the biggest struggle for me will be finding someone special in my life that can fulfill my life with. I think this right now is whats depressing, its like one of those JD Wetworth commercials, but its 877-Relationship now commercial for me.

Time will come, just have to keep pushing to be better for myself and God will put someone else back into my life I deserve unlike the last that brought me down to rock bottom.

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23 days sober!


Awesome! You’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work; it’s positive and encouraging for us :slight_smile:

Day 18 here, so close to 19!! Lol

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Keep something like a soft drink or water in your hand, busy hands help a lot…

Update - 26 days in, continuing this journey and attending my first NA meeting tonight as I need to start attending some of these instead of AA meetings. Lifes going great for me, but would be going much better once I get back to work on the 11th. I got a specialty job and ill be mobing all around a warehouse which will help me alot with keeping my head busy.

Feeling great everyday, would love to buy a new trailer this year but first have to recover the debt ive made myself get into from the stupid shit. luckily im not buried deep.

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I appreciate you sharing. I just joined this app this week. And I too am here cause of cocaine and occasionaly molly. I used roughly every weekend. Not too much. But enough to start to question WTF was i doing. Id have a day off and decide to spend it chilling alone with a dozen lines. Its not even like i was out with friends or a special event.

Thanks for sharing. This helps alot. I just started abusing coke this year and Im glad im ready to take control.

Hardest part is cravings. Ita all about finding something ti stop those cravings. I eat more, haha! I have a hard time gaining weight so im lucky for that.

Coke is easyily abused. Im pretty thankful i never overdosed either. I was pretty bad.

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