A&E Intervention TV show

Smart that you recognize it is a trigger and are staying safe.

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My friends my mother was actually on this show several years ago. She since lost her battle with addiction and passed away. The intervention did help for a short time but unfortunately she fell back into the addiction. My friend said the entire staff and crew were really great. She is still in contact with their assigned interventionist to this day.


Thanks for sharing. I always have been impressed with all the interventionists and staff on the show. It’s really good to hear that they maintain relationships with folks and family who’ve been on the show.

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vegas is a rough town! addiction seems to be an obstacle of living there.

Love it. Used to drink to oblivion and watch it, oddly.


Unpopular opinion to follow:

Since getting sober I’ve realized this show is just another way to profit off the misery of addicts. There’s very little benefits to the subjects of the show, yet I’m sure A&E makes plenty. They trick drug addicts to do a show that they profit from. Classy.

It also perpetuates the stereotype of of the “down and out” drug addict. Often times this show can be the only glimpse in to addiction some people get. Do you feel like it’s an accurate reflection of us? Of you? Of me?

I can go to a meeting and remember what active addiction is like, but I can also hear about active recovery. For me that show offers nothing.


You bring up a good point. When I have time I’ll respond with more depth but I’ll just say that there is probably a reason I have felt guilty watching at times.


Did anyone watch the new one last night?!?

Part of addiction for me is also addiction to things like tv shows. I’d say these reality shows are part of that. Maybe I feel like if my life hasn’t gotten that fucked up im okay. I am really glad you took the time to comment here and I appreciate what you have to say, in general. Thanks, Derek.

My life was pretty much on par with that show so I can definitely relate to it. Also I think it’s for folks like us to watch. My problem is that companies like turning a profit off our misery. I’m not sure how true it is, but the opening of the show even indicates that they don’t know exactly why they are on the show. It’s hard enough with the stigma we face each day and I feel like that show just perpetuates that.

Ok, imma hop off my soapbox now :joy:

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Please don’t, I appreciate what you have to say and in this case when I say it’s a guilty pleasure I so mean it. I have related to so many of the people I’ve watched on this show over the years and I’m certain it’s part of me learning I had a problem. That being said, I absolutely have felt like they capitalized on people’s pain and suffering and that feels wrong.

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My hope, maybe not realistic, but my hope is that things like this show help “normies” see how addiction works. And I maintain that hope. Sure, they make money off this but how well do public service announcements do.

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[Spoiler Alert]

Just watched the episode about Elann, and things seemed so hopeful. With the comments at the end, they tell us that she died by suicide in 2019. Fucking tragic. And that the family is grateful for the sobriety she got to experience before her passing. It’s so so important to address mental health as well as addiction issues.

So, my point in bringing this up is that language matters. Saying someone “committed suicide” is judgmental language. Saying that someone is selfish for dying by their own hand is short sighted. I really wish that we could shift toward saying people die by suicide as opposed to the terminology we are used to saying. My two cents.


I’ve never liked when people said that it’s selfish. To be in such a dark place to end your own life is somewhere many are lucky to have never been and honestly shouldn’t say a thing about it unless you have personally been there.


Thanks for that, lady. I am right there with you.


Fuckin A right


Actually no triggers watching that show, if anything it keeps me on track remembering how shit can get

Same for me. But I’m an alcoholic so it’s a bit different I think. Or maybe not.

I just watched one where he was drinking hand sanitizer. We had some guys do that and it killed their kidneys :frowning: so sad when a 26 year old is on dialysis. The guy on intervention was able to recover thank goodness!

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Slow suicide. Or sometimes not that slow.

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