A familiar feeling

If I learned anything, is I can be disappointed in myself then I forgive myself. I mean, we’re only human and doing our best! What would you say to a friend if they were you? Probably what I just said!:hugs::woman_shrugging:


Haha you’re so right about that. Gotta use some of that positive energy and forgiveness for ourselves


I had to unfollow a lot of pages and people on social media. I’m on day 7 now and this past week it was crazy to see how much we are bombarded with ads and memes and posts about alcohol. I’m still on social media but it has helped to unfollow a lot of those pages. I’ve been reading lots and lots here and it has helped. Agree with others, you’re still here so that is a good sign. One hour, day at a time my friend


Honestly, I still see it as a step forward. When I was in the pit of alcohol’s despair I couldn’t get over the feeling that I used to be better when I was younger and not dependent on alcohol. And now I’m worse and further away from where I want to be in life.

I mean, sure…it’s better to not be an addict than it is to be one, of course that’s true. But I would argue that overcoming an addiction, ESPECIALLY if it was particularly difficult, only makes you better. Whatever “better” even means.

Now that I’m a little further down the road and feel the emotional dependency beginning to crumble, I see all of this as forward progress through my story. I truly believe I am now capable of being more than I otherwise could’ve been BECAUSE I’ve struggled with addiction, and yes, BECAUSE I’ve had to reset numerous times.

Hang in there, man. Others here have much more perspective than I do, but it really does get easier.

I need to try spending more time on here. Especially when I feel like giving onto the temptations. It’s nice to get on here and vent knowing people understand. Wish meetings in my area helped as much as being on here does. I appreciate the positive words and motivation.


I try and take plenty of social media breaks.

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@Mimezombie of course. Here if you need to talk.

The first 72 hours are a bitch. Binge on here, check out “that sober guy” podcasts if you have time. There’s like 270 episodes and it’s been a godsend for me.

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I’ll actually check that out while I work. I do night shifts and they let us use headphones. I usually listen to documentaries and speeches while I work. I’ll check out that podcast

Thank you. Same to you if you need to talk. Haha mimes tend to be great listeners :slight_smile:

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@Mimezombie LOL :joy:

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How has your week been, @Mimezombie? What supports have worked well? Did you go to an out of town or an online meeting? I hope you are finding a way to a contented, serene sobriety.

And they also can be significant roadblocks to recovery! As a perfectionist I’m very hard on myself over any slip or mistake. And as one who isolates (and relied on alcohol for the courage to socialize) it is hard to share in meetings and often a struggle even to go.

Love these! :+1:

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That dude’s amazing. I’ve emailed him and he takes time to respond, just one hell of a cool ass dude. Glad you like him man.

My bad i thought you were mimezombie.

This how I feel. I alway convince myself that it is okay to drink. That I can control myself which I can’t. Today is day one but I am afraid that I will convince myself again that I don’t need sobriety

I’m on day 13. Done 30, done 60, done 100, done 2. All that matters is you keep doing it.