A lifelong drinker hits 1200 days sober

Congratulations! You’re an awesome lady and I’m so glad to have you as a friend here! Thanks for all you do, :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations first to this remarkable achievement, well done :muscle:t3:! And thanks a lot for sharing your experiences and your way out of the drinking cycle, that’s definitely helpful for many of us. Keep up the good spirit and we’ll read us again latest in another 1200 days :clap:t3::tada:!


6 years! You are such an amazing person @SassyRocks :hugs::people_hugging:
Heartfelt congratulations on 6 years one day at a time :pray::bouquet::notes::sunflower:


tenor (31)


Congrats Sassy! :clap:t2:


Congratulations! You honestly deserve it to be proud. Thank you for being around and being such a great support for everybody!!


And rightly so! Thanks so much for all you do. And for being a friend too of course :people_hugging::heart:.
Huge congrats @SassyRocks


I love you so much, Sassy. What a caring and compassionate souls you are. Eternally grateful our recoveries connected.


Thank you friends!!! :heart::birthday::heart: I am so grateful to all of you. I don’t know if you truly realize how much of a difference your presence, support and shares make. I gain wisdom and strength from all of you daily. :people_hugging:

@mno, another Disney kitty!! :heart:

@MandiH, there are a lot of amazing changes over the years, but I really think finding self love is the one I come back to most (tho waking up hangover free is pretty awesome as well). After so long of wandering the wasteland of shame, guilt, regret and self loathing; self love was new to me, and it brings tears to my eyes sometimes remembering how awful I was to myself forever. I want self love for all of us…we all deserve and are worthy of it. :heart: And it helps sustain me thru the inevitable valleys of life.


Wow, just…. Wow. This is such a beautiful story and you are so inspiring! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story and guidance!! :tada::pray::purple_heart::tada:


Happy birthday, lady! 6 years and going strong. Thank you for showing us the way. :pray:t3:


Such and Inspiration! You are amazing!


Oh wow…I’m so glad I checked in on this thread to read this! Congratulations to you! It is hard for me to believe that I have known you on here for MOST of those 2,000+ days. You have been a constant source of compassion, humility, wisdom and strength on here. I feel very lucky to have had beacons of light shining in front of me when I first wobbled onto this sight at the end of 2018. Thank you for being among the brightest of them. Much love to you today :heart:


Nice! Six years! :muscle: Congrats!


Such an accomplishment!!! So proud of you!!!


Absolutely fantastic, huge congratulations and well done :clap: :clap:


Thank you so much @ELY83, that means a lot. And I know…it is hard to believe how long we have known eachother here and been here. Sometimes it feels like the blink of an eye. I can still remember those early days of the quit that stuck and how the members here supported me those first struggling days, weeks, months…when I wondered if I could get thru a get together, a dinner, seeing family and friends. And how could I get sober with a partner who drinks? The people here offered their experience (which was limited as the forum was new and so was almost everyone’s sobriety), and suggestions and what had helped them. This place and all of you were my lifeline.

And I also remember the wild west atmosphere of the forum as it developed its bearings and purpose over those first years. A lot of subtle and not so subtle changes since then, but like sobriety and recovery and humans, the forum continues to grow and evolve as it ages.

So very happy we are on this journey together!! I do miss so many of the members who are no longer on the site and trust they are all well in their sober lives.

@JasonFisher, thanks!! Your fish pics still rule!!


That has to be one of the greatest reads of a journey that I have ever read.
It speaks to me and my embarrassment so much. It speaks to where I’m at currently in working for success.
It gives me hope that the light is worth fighting for.

Thank you so much for sharing this incredible story, and I wish you many more days like the ones you are enjoying today! :heart:


Thank you. Reading stuff like this makes me think long term sobriety is an achievable goal. I have 37 days now and it was not easy making it to that milestone.


Thanks so much for sharing this is inspirational and congratulations to you! I see SO much of myself in your post and this encourages me to keep going. One thing that stood out was your use of the word peace a few times. That is what I am craving and what I am slowly finding. Here’s to you!