A WHOLE YEAR SOBER - I finally did it 🥳

Congratulations Darren! One year is awesome :clap::two_hearts:


Really appreciate your share!!! Congrats on such an awesome milestone, Darren.


Amazingly well done.

So super happy for you!


Congratulation !!!
Thanks buddy for your clean time, as long as you follow this path you have nothing to fear you are a champion keep keeping on the path of the winners one day at a time.


Wow Inspiring

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What an amazing, courageous, strong story my friend! Hardcore but also inspiring, and I relate in many ways - hope someday I’ll reach your milestone. My sincere congratulations

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That is great. I’m sure you are very proud of your accomplishment. Keep up the good work.

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Amazing!!! Congratulations!! What a great read. So inspiring!!

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That’s a brilliant read and massive congratulations Darren. Be proud !! :blush::star::sparkles:


Very Inspiring.

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What a great story of freedom. What hit me the hardest was when you said that now that you’re AF you have morals. It’s true. Alcohol can take away a good person’s ability to be morally upright. Anyone can have dark thoughts/intentions and alcohol takes away our ability to resist them. Someone said in a secular AA Zoom meeting the other day that the best thing about being sober is that he’s no longer an assh#le. As of today it’s been 425 days since I’ve been an assh#le, and I’m still making amends but I’m happy. I hope you’re doing well, Darren, and thank you for sharing your story.


Congratulations!!! Thats an amazing accomplishment!