About the Relapses category

Just relapsed after 8 days☹

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That’s is my biggest trigger. I catch myself since I’m sober… Shopping unnecessarily

Another relapse. But with each one I come back with more resolve for the rematch. My trigger is anything from boredom to family stress. Any whimsical reason to get toxic was good enough for me. However I’m growing regardless- learning to become my own friend and at the same time not be selfish. I’m also trying to stop cigarettes. One moment at a time and prayer with community talks- staying busy and I should be ok. Thank you.


Just joined the app. Looking forward to greetings from the community.

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Well im not new to recovery…every Friday i relapse on methamphetamine i was doing good once i left my home town. Was a year sober before i picked up a substance of any kind. Im recently working a high paying job and is on the line between having everything and losing everything. I know i cant handle this with out some sort of program. I keep telling myself “i got this”! And from sunday to Thursday i do…but once friday hit i get that wild hair. Im so disappointed in myself. I am ready to give up and surrender to a higher power once again. Just venting a bit guys new to this app and with the job i have this app can maybe keep me in check anyways have a great night my first clean day will be tomorrow this time around

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I am an alcoholic… I relapsed again this past weekend… i have been resetting left and right… i cant even make it to 4 days. Depression and lonlieness and boredom sets in or just the crave to drink. I dont know what to do. Im ruining my relationship and my life. Nothing good comes from drinking , i am a different person when i drink. I dont know how to stop, i have prayed consistently and i know i dont want to drink… but i keep doing it anyway.

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Always knowing that one is too many and 100 is not enough! Knowing that I loved being sober and having GOD in my life! My down fall is I forget, don’t think it through, thus going back to the evilness of drinking! 16 days sober, haven’t had the urge, thank GOD. Want to have peace in my life and let GOD guide me, HIS WILL NOT MINE BE DONE. Tomorrow is another day to believe that with GOD ALL IS BRIGHT!

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I don’t know how to feel. I was over 100 days and just like that….this is now day 1. I am completely opposite when drinking compared to not drinking. I feel ugly when drinking. I start feeling worthless and huge separation from my form of a higher power. It’s hard for me to pray right now. I feel like such a failure. I thought I had it all together…. How stupid can I be?


𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥. 𝘏𝘰𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯?

My trigger is when negative situations/outcomes create a false sense of “nothing is getting better” mindset.

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My problem has always been my inability to practice moderation. I’m only on day 11. Hope you are doing well.

Day 1. I am so sick. I stand up and get lightheaded. I’m throwing up. I have the shakes and I’m sweating. What do I do?

I want a valid reason to relapse. I have read so many start overs here at TS. My excuse is my significant other. He is oppressive and verbally abusive with no idea what I go through as an addict. He wants me cured YESTERDAY! I have tasks to complete in my daily life but alcoholism keeps me from completing these tasks therefore I am a loser, leach useless human being. I am exhausted!

Everyday YOU are one EXCUSE away from reaching your GOALS.

I relapsed after two weeks of being clean. For the whole day i was fine, but when i got to bed i started feeling really lonely and worthless so i gave up.
Anyways, i’m not giving up - i’ve restarted my count, but i’m alone and i’m afraid that when people aren’t around i won’t have enough strenght to fight again. I am new here, any tips on how to deal with it?

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I just came home on wed from 30 day inpatient stay w the first week in detox. I spent the last two days drinking and now i feel like death. This was needed i guess becuz i honestly never want to touch alcohol again!i cant do this on my own and i dont know why i did
Now the reset button has been hit.

Stress causes my triggers and being bored but I noticed if I don’t smoke I get really depressed and sad I just want to cry and isolate myself from everyone it makes me don’t want to talk to nobody and it knocks my balance off. but when I do smoke I can get my stuff done and I can hold a conversation with people. Laugh joke and feel alive

I have relapse so many time. Money and my husband is my triggers. My husband go get the drugs when i am saying i am quitting and try to stay clean. I want to go to a group but i cant drive because of surgery. I mean evrytimw i go clean foe two week he will go buy coke and i told him im not strong and he sais im the one quitting not him. I really need to leave this man. The verbal abuse triggars me too.

Keep up the good fight you can do it

My first try was five weeks ago and I was so proud of myself! I joined AA and loved the meetings however after a few weeks I didn’t feel like I needed it so I had a few drinks. I restarted two days later and made it a week then I thought I could just have a few drinks again and I got very sick and had a seizure so now that God helped me through that I really want to do this for myself and my family! I will be attending AA again tomorrow and I am honestly ready to stick with it this time

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