About the Your Story category

I’m glad you’re with us and working on getting healthy.

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Glad you survived. My 22 year old son Corey passed away due to an overdose on 2-27-21, please don’t take this life for granted. Welcome, glad you’re here!


Thank you I am also

I’m learning from my past for sure I almost died so I’m not taking this chance at life for granted at all

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That’s awesome, you and your family deserve and will have a beautiful life. I’m glad you made it :pray:t2:

Yes me and my girls are gonna have better and their dad needs to be there for the girls but get out of my life at this point

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Well here’s to a beautiful life for you and your girls then :blush::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Thank you!! I think I’ve found the love of my life after my kids dad and he’s pushing me to do better all the time

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Good for you that’s wonderful!

Hi, my name is Holly but my family and the friends I have left call me Hollz. I’m a recovering alcoholic. I’m 38 years old and grew up in Cleveland Ohio. I have four children and my first grandchild on the way. I started drinking at a extremely young age mostly due to the fact that I was a survivor of years of sexual assault that started when I was seven. My baby cousin also endured those things by the same man. She lost her battle to addiction in 2007. Most people that know me say when she died, she took whatever good there was in me with her. (I’m trying to find the good in me, and slowly I’m able to say two good things about myself which is more then the zero it was before I got sober) I have always relied on alcohol to “take the pain away” but a day not long ago came that I woke up and I had this clarity, it never took the pain away… the harsh memories, or the heartache. And I didn’t want to live the way I was anymore. I pushed everyone in my life away including my kids. I hated myself, I couldn’t even look in the mirror (still working on that). But I decided I was done. Which I had told myself before and I never made it past three days. But I decided to see if there was any “apps” to help… Well I found a community… a family instead and tomorrow will make two weeks of being sober. I am so thankful every morning when I wake up. I wake up grateful and go to sleep even more grateful. I guess that’s all I really have to say but this is the most I’ve ever opened up about myself and the reason I started drinking. But thank you for taking the time to read this…if you do. thank you for being part of the reason I’m continuing to live sober and happy the reason everyday I learn something new. I love this community of people that are so amazing, and understanding.


Good Morning my friends, My story is not unique. Raised by alcoholic parents that were neglectful and abusive. They thought is was so cute to see a drunk 3 year old. My first experience with sobriety, I was 28. I quit drinking, doing drugs, and smoking. My motivation was I wanted to be a mom. What man, in their right mind, would pick an alcoholic drug addict to parent his kids?? I married, had three daughters, and I stayed sober…for them. I broke the cycle for my family. They did not grow up with alcohol, drugs, or even cigarettes. After my girls were grown with families of their own and after my divorce, I thought ,hmm,I bet after 30 years that I am not an alcoholic any more. I am sure I can drink and keep control. LIES! In 3 short months I was a falling down drunk, again. That was 5 years ago. Here I am now, for me.

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Hello my name is Melissa, I am a recovering drug addict and alcoholic, my story begins with partying and selling everything. I started of course with pot, quickly that turned into a whole opening for everything else.
I started selling and using crystal meth, Ecstasy, Xanax, ketamine, acid…, from finally the ending was Wet…PCP. M, that was my devil . you name it, we had it or used it.
Thank G-d for me I didn’t have the craving or want to use heroin, only because I was afraid to vomit …I used to say. “ I don’t want to be nauseous l,” so for me luckily I skipped over the opiates, because I for sure would have died.
I’m a hairdresser make up artist by nature so and that type of business we worked hard we played even harder that’s where it all started I wound up breaking both legs and a head on collision and stoned out of my mind that some guy didn’t even know who was driving my car I went right under the dashboard and they Hella ported me to a local trauma center I’m lucky to be alive and walking I am handicapped but I’m walking thank God .
After a while I had found friends in a bad area of Philadelphia where I live and I started using PCP at first it was like a pot high but a little weirder than it just took over my life destroyed my family my friends cars people places and things was my downfall the last straw was my family kicking me out of my own house and my brother threatening legally for me to never see my son , my mother who has dementia and stuff and I’m on oxygen as 83 years old my father passed away three years ago cirrhosis of the liver and she instantly got dementia. By the grace of God I went to a rehab I went to a cousin who took me and thank God because I would’ve had no how am I was how much for a while and from there I just prayed every day and work the steps and then when they finally my brother who blocked me from his whole life let me started to see my mother again thank God and then slowly but surely I was back home as of October 29, 2022 it will be two years that I am sober I once was lost but now I’m found we can do it a duvet cover we can’t do it alone. Much love and blessings to all .one day at a time.


Welcome Melissa, and thanks for sharing.

Hi I’m new on here and have never been on any of these before, I’ve sober for 2 days, and would like any advice for try to stay sober after many failed attempts , thank you

Starting over on this journey. Made it 12 days in a row last year, then started drinking again.
Since then I’ve been through a really painful break up and have been spinning out of control with my drinking. I do really stupid things when I drink, like text people, ignore responsibilities, spend money.
I really need to do this.
Watching my brothers health deteriorate because of booze should be a wakeup call. He’s a wreck and aged 10 years in the past year. This month he had 3 blood transfusions due to internal bleeding and poor liver function.
That should be a huge wake up call to me!
I’m drinking so much that it’s dangerous.

Hi I am Mallory, and i have began to form a problem with drinking, and overeating. I am 25 and have a 1 year old son. My boyfriend and i live together and have a very up and down type relationship. I lost my mom to cancer june 6 2021, then had my son in august. Shortly after September 26 my dad died unexpectedly. It really sucked to lose both parents while teying to parent my new baby son. I was a drinker before i got pregnant but nothing like i am now. It may just be beer and wine…but its became a problem. With money, my weight, my relationship with my boyfriend. And i dont want to be a drunk mom. I want to be sober for atleast 1 month and see where that takes me… i am drinking in secrect. Lying about how many and i over do it and if i dont over do it one night the next day i feel like i need to finish my beer or wine. Once i have a taste i always want more. I dont like describing myself this way and if anyone in my personal life accused me of being a drunk id deny deny deny. But i am forming alcoholic dependency. From anxieties i have and depression i face. And for reasons i dont quite understand. Its been 1 day and its Monday. And im just hoping i can make it this one week without a drink. I dont even want to have just one.

Hi everyone. My name is Symone I’m 31 and I love in california. I had 10 years clean off meth and relapsed again in February and now I’m working on staying clean again for good.
I don’t really know why I allowed myself to relapse but I was going through a lot and I made the decision to do it on my own so I know the blame is on me.
I quit cold turkey again. Honestly it was way easier the first time. Idk why it is so hard for me this time but I have a lot more to lose now than before.
I have 4 beautiful kids and they are amazing. 3 boys and a 1 year old girl. I’m staying sober for them and for myself.
I lost myself and I’m trying to find me again.
What woke me up this time was crazy. The woman I was living with was like another mother to me and she relapsed on heroin and all of a sudden switched up completely. She started hating me for things she made up in her head. She was not the woman I knew anymore it was more like a demon in her body.
There was a huge wild fire near my house so luckily my mom came and got my kids 2 weeks prior.
Anyways the woman I lived with stole my truck and refused to give me my keys because she knew I wanted to come back to San Diego to be with my kids and get clean and get my s*it together again and she didn’t want me to leave her. She threatened me and said “if you try to leave I’ll slit your throat and sit in your blood while I wait for the cops to come get me.” I was confused because I dated her daughter briefly but we broke up about a month before that after realizing she didn’t really give a damn and just wanted to use me for her convince.
Anyways while she tried to keep me hostage I text my sister asking her to borrow someone’s car and help me get away while secretly staying on the phone with my other ex girlfriend who is still my best friend just in case anything happened to me before I could escape the hell hole I was in.
Finally the lady went to the bathroom and I figured now is my only chance to get away and I took off out the door. I left everything. All I had was the clothes on my back. I even left my truck. Luckily a mutual friend stole my truck back for me the next morning and as soon as I got it I was ready to go back home to San Diego. Unfortunately she found out where me and my truck were and she showed up to try to take it back. She tried to stab me as I tried to drive off accidentally hitting the car she blocked me in with. (Good thing about having a truck is my car didn’t take any damage) Luckily i was with my ex that I was talking to earlier she risked her own life and threw herself over me and all the knife gave me was a scratch on my arm. I haven’t seen that woman since that day and I haven’t done meth since then either. My ex, Kai saved my life and I will forever be thankful.
Sorry for the long read but that’s what woke my ass up. I realized I could not live that life because I have my kids to raise and risking my life for a high wasn’t worth it and I damn sure am not going to allow my kids to witness that downward spiral.

Hmm…ok. I never had a drink before I was married in 2010. I was the weekend drinker with glasses of wine and a few shots of tequila or some other hard liquor with my husband.
A few years passed and I gained a little bit of weight and joined weight watchers. I went to the gym 3x a week, got 10k steps a day and was eating healthy. Did I mention I also smoked weed? I was looking and feeling good. I had balance in my life. 2018/2019 my dad declined in health, was put into assisted living where he did well. He had Parkinson’s disease which over took him in 2021. Since then I have used alcohol weed and food to cope. I am at my highest weight and unhappy. Any advice?

Hey all! My name is Heather and I’m 32 years old. My whole adult life I’ve used some sort of hard drug and was/am a very functioning addict. I was addicted to Heroin from age 19-24 and quit one day cold turkey and can proudly say I have not touched it since. However, not long after, I tried meth. I’ve been struggling to stay clean for 3 years now. I have the mindset, but I havent self control If it is around me. Everyone I know I’m my tiny town does it, so I’ve cut everyone off and am srarting this journey of sobriety again and for the last time. One day at a time. :heart:

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So scary. That fentanyl is evil. It took my ex boyfriends life. We had been separated for about 3 years. But I took it harshly as there are 3 loves of your life each for a reason or another. I miscarried my first child with my current husband of 7 years in the midst of the grief I experienced on top of mental illness that I never tried to get help for.
I am so glad you are here and able to give testimony to others. Your story might be a wake up call for some that others never got.
Praying for your strength and patience with yourself. You in fact are just human. And we make mistakes. One foot in front of the other. We all start out crawling first. Then walking. Then running. You got this. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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