Tell others about your story and how you got where you are today. Share knowledge and wisdom that you’ve gained from your journey.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Introduce Yourself
Dear God help me!! My 9 year old called me out tonight!! I don’t dare to think what my husband will say tomorrow. All I can think is that if I could have said that at his age things would be much different!!! I have had and sometimes ignored this app for months!! So many sucess stories, fabulous, but not cut the crap out you are ruining you and your family and how to make it stop stories!! I
Im an drugaddict and alcoholic . Almost my whole life. IT drove me insaine. I never took it serious, just partying, With friends and alone. Many bad choices lying, descieving my fam family. Until about 1.5 year ago i decided to try end my life. I realized i could not do it. Asked for help… ended in psyciatrick . Went to a very nice clinick. Best thing i ever did. Now i love my life .
Hey, I’m Harley. I’m an addict and alcoholic. I’m 21 I started drinking and smoking weed when I was 11, started doing xanex at 13 with my boyfriend at the time. we were smoking crack with his uncle and his friends within a few months after doing bensos. I met a guy at a party who took meto go get heroin. he was 24 and I just turned 15. I snorted it for about three years and finally got off of heroin by myself. I still used bensos, and drank all day everyday and was snorting percs. I met my fiance on my 19th birthday. he was two years clean from heroin, he only drank. eventually we started getting bad with percs, op’s and morphine. we couldn’t get anything one night and my perc guy said he only had bags. my fiance wanted to get it. so I got a bundle and cross my eyes out after I did my first bag after being off of it for almost two years. not even a month in I started shooting up with him. I lost all of my friends because he didn’t like them. i lied to my family, stole anything Icould sell or get high or drunk with. I did some fucked up shit to get my fiance and I high on crack, dope, meth, kpins, xanez… anything… I overdosed and flatlined three times in October. I finally got clean after my fourth time going away just in 2016. I left my fiance in November… today I am 73 days clean. I’m afraid I’mgoing to fuck up again and i miss my ex fiance so much… I need motivation, New friends and to start off 2017 ready to finally live my life and find out who I really am. thanks for letting me share guys. good luck to you all, you got this shit!!
Hello all,
My name is Francis John. If getting randomly shot by a Cleveland gang and getting life flighted, 13 life saving surgeries October 2,2010 didn’t stop me from drinking, then moving to Seattle, WA, falling in love with my wife and now small child did. Oh, that and quiting cold turkey when Peyton Manning said after Superbowl 50 that he was having a bud.
Funny how THAT was the ah ha moment as Oprah says.
(Well and the wife and baby)
But that!
Comedy helps. As does you people.
Today, I’m attempting to quit cold turkey… … Starting over again. I’m hooked on Cat. Been a frequent 4-5 days a week user for almost 2 years now. Started using after I was diagnosed with a DVT and prescribed Warfarin anticoagulant meds. Really sore and swollen today, especially my joints and I’m stressed because I get heart palpitations and bad chest pains every now and then. Trying to detox, sortof flush it out and praying that this will help speed up the withdrawal. Also, can I maybe take some adcodol or mybullin just to ease the pain or is this a crap idea? No-one in my family or friend group knows about my addiction so I’ve been trying to read and research but I’d be glad and thankful for any kind of advice or guidance. I know I messed up. I feel sick and uhealthy, it’s affecting my studies and relationships and especially my mindset… I need to fix myself and I’m tired of relapses and the shame, self-loathing that always accompanies it. I want my life back. Gotta kick this bucket!!!
I had been a daily meth user from age 18, up until my mid twenties. I managed to cut down to social use, which amounted to maybe once every few months. Around two and a half years ago, I started up again, almost daily. My source dried up until December of 2015. I used as a party aid, for my company Christmas party. For next few months, I’d use once every couple of weeks. Around February I started using almost daily, with a break every once in awhile. I ended up losing my job in June of 2016. I cashed in my 401k, and started a daily meth habit. In November of 2016, I started a new and great job…Unfortunately my habit was more important. I worked about three weeks total during the next month, and ended up quitting my job mid January of 2017. My daily use continued until last week, February 16 2017. I quit because I ran out of money, and I won’t commit crimes to get more. Today marks one week sober. The last seven days have been hell. Today is the first day I feel human again. The emotions have been hitting me in waves. I actually feel hopeful now, and I want sobriety for myself, my family, and number one…my seven year old daughter. I’m four months behind on my mortgage. No car insurance for my dieing car. $10.00 in my bank account.
I’m still hopeful. I am a fighter. I will get through this, and fix the damage I’ve done. I have to. There is no other choice.
I finally came clean to my immediate family, and am lucky to have their support.
This is the first time in 20+ years, that I’ve been drug free. No weed. No meth. No pills. No booze.
One week down…the rest of my life to go![quote=“Jeremy_Graff, post:8, topic:14, full:true”]
I had been a daily meth user from age 18, up until my mid twenties. I managed to cut down to social use, which amounted to maybe once every few months. Around two and a half years ago, I started up again, almost daily. My source dried up until December of 2015. I used as a party aid, for my company Christmas party. For next few months, I’d use once every couple of weeks. Around February I started using almost daily, with a break every once in awhile. I ended up losing my job in June of 2016. I cashed in my 401k, and started a daily meth habit. In November of 2016, I started a new and great job…Unfortunately my habit was more important. I worked about three weeks total during the next month, and ended up quitting my job mid January of 2017. My daily use continued until last week, February 16 2017. I quit because I ran out of money, and I won’t commit crimes to get more. Today marks one week sober. The last seven days have been hell. Today is the first day I feel human again. The emotions have been hitting me in waves. I actually feel hopeful now, and I want sobriety for myself, my family, and number one…my seven year old daughter. I’m four months behind on my mortgage. No car insurance for my dieing car. $10.00 in my bank account.
I’m still hopeful. I am a fighter. I will get through this, and fix the damage I’ve done. I have to. There is no other choice.
I finally came clean to my immediate family, and am lucky to have their support.
This is the first time in 20+ years, that I’ve been drug free. No weed. No meth. No pills. No booze.
One week down…the rest of my life to go!
Hello! I’m new here and just want to say I have been clean for 6 days and I feel great! I know some groups do not recognize suboxone treatment as being sober, but I do know it is helping me tremendously. It is rather expensive starting off, but I feel the benefits outweigh the cost tremendously. I feel so much different already. I’m breaking free from the chains that have been holding me down.
I’m so mad I could spit nails!
I’m not gonna drink, but there’s lucky there’s no one around me!
Stay sharpend you can beat this dont beat your self up. We all are Worth every minute of life. Listen to what u want. Me i do got a sponsor we are quite good friends now. Even we argue sometimes but thats is perfectly fine lol. Work the 12 steps …u know its only a suggestion for a good way of living. Take care of thoose feelings and just accept them as it is.its ok
Hi there I am new here. Today will complete my 17th day without drinking. I feel great but I am not naive enough to believe that I am invincible or that I have the ugly demon conquered. I entered outpatient last week and have attended some AA meetings. Just looking to stay sober.
@friendofbillw412. That my friend is a passing thought we all get early on in recovery! It’s a false belief, that ends really badly in most circumstances.
My last relapse I had the exact same thought process. I even went out had just a few drinks completely under control. Did this like 3-4 times. However, it opened a door I spent 90 days closing, and the next thing I know the door flung wide open and the wind was blowing. It took me 3 months to re-close it.
The worse thing when you go that long your tolerance resets, but not your mind. I drank my pre going sober amount, and I got extremely sick. I guess that was a good thing.
Stay focused. Keep pressing your sobriety.
My story begins when I was 15 years old. I truly believe I was born an addict/alcoholic but the damage took sometime to arrive. I grew up in a home where I was sexually abused by my mother’s second husdband for 10 years. I survived every type of abuse imaginable. I turned to drinking and drugging my freshman year of high school. I had experimented with the drink multiple times before this but this is when it truly became a problem. My first true love was alcohol and weed. Today I am blessed to be alive as I attempted suicide on March 11, 2017. I was in a black out drunk and don’t remember anything but waking up in the hospital confused. I was found in my car at the bottom of a 100 foot embankment out by a local lake in my area. Everyone my family and friends talked to say I am lucky to be alive and lucky that my car didn’t receive any damage. Clearly it isn’t time for me to pass on. Clearly there is purpose for me on this earth. Today marks my 70 days sober from alcohol and weed and my life couldn’t be better. I am a 45 yr old mom and grandma! I live in Kansas City, Ks and I am blessed to be alive and sober today!
@LynnMarie, I’m glad that you’re still alive. Congrats on the 71 days. Yes, there is hope. You’ve been through so much pain. But you will stand and overcome. Your life is far from over. In fact, it’s only started. Welcome.
I started using prescription pain pills in Dec 2002 after a procedure. I over dosed in Sept 2005, I realized and pleaded with God that if he allowed me to live, I promised to change my life. In Oct 2005 I met my now husband, needless to say he changed my life. I had been clean for almost 12 years until recent events, I relapsed. My husband found out and told me I needed to get help. I realized, after some pleading, I needed help. Long story short, I have my good and bad days, more bad than good, I have a wonderful support system (my husband, his family, and my friends), I have also started running every day and eating right, well when I have an appetite. I struggle every day with addiction and I know I have a long road ahead. I got a tattoo the other day to help remind me, I can do this. I have 2 wonderful kids and a wonderful husband who depend on me to get better. I have tried to get professional help, but it will take me 4-6 weeks to get me in😔, so hopefully that will change soon.
You’re doing good things. Eating right, exercising. It is the beginning of choosing life, a high quality life, and you’re doing it. Keeping choosing you, keep choosing your kids and husband, keep putting God first and know that you too are an extension of God. You are where you should be. Keep piling on small victories. They matter…
Thank you so much
Well I have 2 days clean and sober. It’s hard to start over again but it’s worth it. My new clean date is August 11th 2017. Thanks for being here. I obviously I need to be completely honest with myself. And that’s what I’ll do. I am willing to do anything to stay sober.
Im Ruben, 37 years old. Day 1, again… Wanting to gain sobriety for myself and my daughter.