IAM at the end of my tether don’t want to even be here anymore no matter what I do I fail I always give in and if Iam been honest IAM been let down by the support channels we have In ireland nothing is working. Everybody would be just better off without me here
Yep, ive felt like that many times, what have u tried so far? What are your reasons for drinking/using?
Sorry to here that was out your way a few years ago now went to a meeting in Waterford , dont know if your going to AA but for me it was a decision that saved my life wish you well
I am really sorry to read that. I asked for help, they evaluated my needs and it might still take 6 months to meet someone. I totally understand…when i got sober I thought the pain inside me would leave…I thought i would get better…and i didnt…time passed and dark thoughts started taking over me…the only recomfort I found was when i told myself, I can end my life if it hurts too bad…
It took some time and I take medication that helps…and I talked about it… I told the people around me how I felt…I called emergency lines and I talked to people over the phone…I came here and wrote things down…It helped to make things a little bit better…it took me 3 months to feel better…what i wanted to tell you is dont give up…it does get better…life is hard and ugly…but there are beautiful things in this world…give yourself time to see it…i am sending you lots of love and positive energy…remember its just for today…one second, one minute, one hour at a time…
Some days seem truly impossible to get through and no light at the end of the tunnel. I know how it feels. Just know that it will change, don’t give up.
NOPE – totally your mind thinking this but no way are we better off in any way. At first i was so happy to see your Avatar my friend - been missing you on the threads. I am so so so very sorry that you are feeling this way.
It is a let down that the support systems are crap in your area. Are you able to find on line supports - as the on line world reaches farther and wider? I know you are dealing with a lot and need to talk through some stuff - i do hope you can find someone to listen and help. We are always here to help you in whatever ways we can. You are amazing Kevin and the fact that you keep trying to live an addiction free life says volumes.
i know you are now recovering from Covid and i do know when i’m sick then the emotions get the best of me as i am already vulnerable.
Please give yourself a big hug from me and know that you are a special human being and deserves to live a happy healthy sober life.
The beginning is the worst but you do rack up days - just need to figure out what triggers you to go back wards and how we can change that behavior.
Please do not give up on yourself. I am familiar with what you are feeling and i know if you give it breathe the feelings will take on a life of their own. Try to counteract it with positivity and a zest for living. Say positive affirmations, breathe deeply and take in fresh air, surround yourself with laughter. We are right here with you my friend
I am so sorry that you are facing such a challenge where you feel let down.
I want you to know that it is normal to have such feelings of disappointment, frustration, or being let down.
This is part of the human experience. Now, I want you to realize that despite how you are thinking or feeling you are a strong individual because you have absolutely done an incredible thing which many can not and are not ready to do - you have acknowledged and processed these feelings. That in itself is your fighting denominator! Please, no matter how many times you give in remember that the failures hold no value and failures do not identify you. keep on trying, you have a good head on your shoulders, keep on knocking on the doors and keep coming back. I look forward to your updates, sincerely Maria
Kevin- how are you my friend?
Please keep connected here - especially when you are feeling so low. This is when we need community support the most.
Much love my dear friend…I do hope you are doing better
Please do not give up!! I know how you feel. I am working on positive, calm emotions. As long as you are trying each day, even just a little bit of improvement that’s a success. To just give up is a failure. Keep fighting for peace and love for yourself!!
Hey my name is Tiffany, and i have felt this way many times during recovery even tho im 3 yrs clean i still have my good and bad days, tbh the only thing that works for me is too keep a scale journal so a scale journal is were you scale how ur feeling atm 10 being the worse and 1 being ur happy and what put you in that mood and why do you think ur in that mood and how you think you can achieve getting to a better mood or just write until you feel better. It has help me so much to do this bc sometimes i cant get out a mood im in until i write. I do hope you know your life is worth everything. You got this, i have faith in you please keep reaching out on here virtual hugs ur way
@anon15828629 Hey Kevin - what’s going on my friend? Please reach out and let us know you are ok
Just thinking of you and hoping you are well.
Irrational thoughts brother/sister. I am on day 13 and relate to you. I’m a ball of nerves. My brain is running wild. Takes immense energy just to stay in the moment. Thoughts pervade around past failings and regrets and future worries. I am hoping and praying it will start to heal soon. I pray that for you as well. Stay alive for me, please.