Act your age ?!?!

Well it is SUPER exciting when you get a good sale price on veggies!

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Damn right! I’ll get as much as I can carry home!

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Ha. I have tried to sweet talk the clerk when I have gone over the “limit 4” per customer. 6 bags just has a nicer ring to it

I don’t really have this problem because I can only fit so many 2kg bags into my backpack at the till and still get the other stuff I need :man_shrugging:

Soon enough my friend. Soon you can have first world problems like mine :wink:


Act my age ,well I have to be honest with this I had my daughter at 16 then my first son at 18 and my second son at 20 my third son at 25 so I would say 21 why since I had children I didn’t get to hang out with friends or go to clubs so when my children got older I started acting like I was their age and their friend wow I am so glad that didn’t last long I found out quickly that I didn’t miss anything


Lmao :joy: hank hill! I had a neighbor growing up that looked identical to him! Haha :laughing:

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I would have to say my age I am now 37. I’ve got a lot of life’s experiences but know there are still so many more ahead.


On a good day about 22 but my average is, ummm :thinking: about 13.

Actual age? 38.

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I’m 35,still needs to show my ID if I want to do things that requires you to be over 18 (that means buying lottery tickets, tobacco, painkillers and a few more things here) to buy alcohol you need to be 20 and they won’t sell it to you if you’ve got someone with you that can’t prove their at the right age, so I usually have to show mine even if I’m just a companion.

And I’ve got the same taste for sweets as a 10 year old. Gummibears, Icecream and everything else my kids likes. Loves Disney and video games, cartoons and sugary colorful cereals (we really don’t have those in Sweden)

So probably I’ll go for 15.

However I’ve got it all “Act my age” husband, kids, house, and all that.

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You’re probably an old soul, and that’s a good thing. Old souls are the ones that are here to guide the younger ones on the right path.


I understand what you mean, at least I think so.
But I disagree, in my opinion the deja vu feelings and other things like that does support the old soul theory.

However this is not the right thread to start a long spiritual discussion.

And I’m sorry if I did offend you in anyway describing you as an old soul.

I wish you a wonderful weekend. :hibiscus:

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I have end stage liver disease so the dr. Staff that said it to me was a bit surly when she said it, because I continue my life the same way only difference is now I’m sober and some what limited to what my body will do and I usually push my body to hard.

I’m so so sorry. I asked because it seemed like a very inappropriate thing for a doctor to say.

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I’m 40, but my fav age was 26. Just a great time period in my life.

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  1. Until I try to get up in the morning.
    It’s true, what they tell you in the recovery process. Something in you hits “pause” when you start drinking.
    I was old enough to have some sense about me, but not yet cynical.

P.S. You kids get off my lawn!!


I’d probably be 28. I got stuck in my 28. And i know why. It was a period of my life (which is typical for many of us) that i felt full of life, invencible and full of dreams and ambitions. Then it was the year my brother committed suicide. And things took a 180 degree turn. And i got stuck in my 28.

All my internet passwords that require a number use 28, its an obssesion :rofl:

Well now im 44 :sunglasses::face_with_raised_eyebrow::grin:


I’m 48, I look 40, I act 12 but my body feels like it’s on its third life.


People tend to think I’m in my late 20s when they look at me.
People online tend to think I’m in my 50s or 60s.
Physically I feel like I’m in my 20s.
Mentally and emotionally I feel like I’m in my 80s.
But I’m actually 38.

I actually enjoy getting older. Even as a child I was pretty mature, so the older I get, the more comfortable I feel with my age.

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I hear you Paul, I’m 53 and have had total knee replacements, total hip replacements, one of my femurs was shattered. I have a rod and screws from my hip to my knee in that leg. One total shoulder replacement, gastric bypass, gallbladder removed, hernia operation. One knee I had a high tibial osteotomy. Wore a external fixator from my groin to my ankle for over a year to get the bone to grow back together and elongate. So many knee operations(ligament and meniscus repair) over the years that I’ve lost count. My body is just wore the fuck out.
My mind is still pretty sharp though. I try to be grateful for the experiences that I’ve had in life because they have made me who I am today. And I like what I have become. Definitely an old soul :heart: and @anon79808082 would be proud that I spelled soul correctly this time. lol :rofl: :joy: :rofl: