Addict for 24 years and i'm only 39 years old

Feeling pretty good today but I know these next few days will be challenging. About 30 hours now with no drugs or alcohol. Feeling all sorts of emotions and thoughts right now. Hoping they will settle down with time. Thank you @19801 for checking in on me.


Well done mate your doing great 30 hours will be 48 soon , when you feel like that come on here and talk to us . it will be a challenging few days and a few more it is …if it wasn’t we wouldn’t need to be here :face_with_thermometer: don’t think about the days ahead we think about today , your brain s not gonna tell you anything good right now your 30 hours in your emotions are coming back and your addicted brain will be trying to find excuses for you to pick up .if you feel like that put up a post and talk about it :muscle: keep going you got this :facepunch:


Must be some more hours @Jaws0107.

How are you feeling today?

Remember…you are stronger than all those thoughts combined…and one other thing that you have is a global community here. Rooting for you. One tiny step at a time.


Continuing the discussion from Addict for 24 years and i'm only 39 years old:

Hey @Jaws0107 how’s it going bud ??? did you get 48 hours ??? If you did let us know ,if you haven’t definitely let us know thinking of you mate :+1:

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3 days and 7 hours completely Sober. Today was a good day. Got tons of work done around the house, hit the gym, and spent the evening with my daughters. Couldn’t of asked for more of a full day! I’m finding that keeping my mind busy with positive activities is really helping me power thru. Sleeping at night has been my biggest challenge so far. Hard to get to sleep and stay asleep and the night sweats are awful. Hoping this gets better soon. How are you hanging in there?


3 fucking DAYS @Jaws0107 I’m so proud of you I hope your proud of you !!!Look back at your posts I do and it make s me feel stronger .you were so worried about getting to 48 hours and look at you now :muscle:sleep s a bastard at 3 days ,I’m getting a bit more now tho it does get better just go with it get what you can keep up the good work mate your bossing it :facepunch: ps I’ll post my progress in the morning it’s a good one I’m looking forward to it :grin:


Welcome Drew.

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Welcome in, we’re a pretty good crew. I hope you stick around. :blush:


Keep it up​:muscle:Fantastic work inspiring :muscle:

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Hey @Jaws0107 hope your ok :palm_up_hand:

I would love to wish you the best of luck, but I have found that luck isn’t what keeps one sober. Instead, I congratulate you on this first step and will be here, like we all are for each other, in every step you continue to take in your journey of sobriety. Your journey may be similar to mine or others, so read their words as examples both of what works and doesn’t work. My personal experience is that if you truly take each day one at a time, you will be successful. Enjoy those major milestones (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, etc…). Congrats and have fun being sober!


I’ve never wised to be anyone else in life but if I could be anyone else I’d be @Ray_M_C_Laren :muscle::muscle::palm_up_hand::palm_up_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:


Dont know if a beard would suit you lol


Lmao in ten characters

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Addict since 15 as well! No one would have ever guessed it. But I think it is great when we can be honest about it, and the need, and our desire for us for the ability to live sober. Keep going!!! I have found that online meeting groups like Smart Recovery, Life Ring and Recovery Dharma have helped me in this new way of living… community is connection… I have heard somewhere on these meetings that “Connection is the opposite of addiction”. . . stay connected and I am sure you will find the support. Welcome, and all the best to you !


Hi @Mya_M welcome to ts ,what a lovely first post …… :sunglasses: I love “connection is the opposite of addiction :ok_hand: Thanks for joining our forum :+1:


Go to meetings. Get a sponsor.

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