Addict for 24 years and i'm only 39 years old

Today I made the biggest and best decision of my life. I’ve decided my kids need me sober more than anything else in this world. I’ve been addicted to drugs and alcohol since I was 15 and I feel I’m at rock bottom. I lost my wife, lost my closest friends and now I’m left with years of regret and constent loneliness. The only person that can change that is ME. And its time I change ME! Wish me luck on my journey and I look forward to being part of a community thats understanding and going through the same struggles as myself.


Welcome, this is indeed an understanding and supportive community. There are lots of wonderful people with a lot of experience on here. Read through some threads and find the ones that work for you!! Congratulations on your new outlook, and new one day at a time! :v:


Hi @Jaws0107 welcome to ts . That was a very honest post and good recovery starts with that so you should be very proud of the decision you’ve made today . I’ve been addicted to drink and drugs since I was 17 and I’m 43 now and know exactly how your feeling . Im new on the road to sobriety myself but this is a great place to be .rock bottom s ok it’s is the place you can recover from ,and this forum will give you a staircase to climb up .none of us could ever do it alone we use tools and get a plan in place . I’m really glad your here👍


Thank you! @Davina_Davis


Thank you! @19801


I just turned 40 this year. I can very similar relate to your pain. I’m 77 days free from drugs and booze. Best decision I EVER made. Things are slowly starting to come together again. Keep fighting man. I’m gonna be praying for you brother. If you ever need someone to vent to don’t hesitate


Congrats on your 77 days! Thanks @jbaldwin84. Already soaking up the support and encouragement on this app. Exactly what ive been missing in my day to day.


Good for you Drew. It’s an intense and demanding journey, but your worst day sober is still gonna be better than your best day using.

Welcome to Talking Sober! :wave:


“Your worst day sober is still going to be better than your best day using”

I need to always remember this.

Thank you for sharing @Matt


Wise words @Matt

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I can’t take the credit - many before me have shared those words; they go back decades! Thanks :pray: Those words are a guiding light for me too.


Welcome to the forum Drew! I can relate to ur post alot. I began using drugs at 15 aswell and got clean at 37. My son needed a clean and sober mom and so he is a huge motivator for me to stay on this path. I really struggled in the beginning with finding myself. I spent over 20 years in addiction, doing things that i would never do sober, living a life of chaos… so much so that i didnt even know who i was anymore. Youre absolutely in a place where people understand and i hope u find this forum helpful. This forum has been a foundational piece for me in my recovery. I am actually proud of who i am becoming today. And i hope that u get to begin to see the gifts that recovery can give to u! Its so worth it :slight_smile:


Hello and a very warm welcome to the community.


Welcome mate! I’m 125 days sober and every day it still gets better. Some days are hard but I know that alcohol definitely won’t make it better! Check in with us daily. See you around!


Congrats on your 125 days of sobriety. Keep it up and thanks for the kind words @Whereswaldo


Congratulations with your decision to give yourself the life you deserve.
You have a whole life ahead to enjoy sober so go get it :facepunch:
Made a plan already on how to do it? Do you have help back home in real life?


Welcome Jaws! I’m new to TS but you’re in a good place. The choice to be sober and the path to recovery is not an easy one but please stay strong and don’t give up. There’s going to be bad days and good ones and lots of self reflection which is not always pleasant but you’ve made the right choice getting sober. Also please consider AA or NA meetings and possibly seeking some type of therapy. It definitely helps having some sort of in person support to help go through this. Best wishes and bless you. We need more sober people in this crazy world!!


You truly honestly made the decision to stop drinking and using. Not just for your kids…but for yourself. What has kept me going is thinking about that moment when I made that decision. The reasons I made that decision and the fact that I want better for me and mine. And then take it one tiny moment at a time. One hour at a time. One day at a time. It had brought me this far. It can do the same for you!

I am so incredibly proud of you for making the decision you made. It may get really tough and the cravings might be shit…but you will never be alone on this journey…this I promise you.

All the best mate.

One day at a time.


I was 34 when i stopped booze went to a meeting and i was home never needed to lift another one im 72 now , still go to meetings and sponsor way of life now wish you well


Hi @Jaws0107 hope your ok :+1: