Addiction Kills,Recovery Heals

Your Energy,Inner Strength And Persistent Determination Makes the Universe Go Round.When You Find Yourself Going Into That Dark Place,Remember All It Takes Literally,Is A Quick Change Of Thought Into Positive Place,Never Forget The Power Of A Positive And Uplifiting Thought,And The Power Of Choice,You DO NOT Have To Become What Your Negative Thoughts Are,You Have A Choice To Say,Fuck You Negative Thoughts,I WILL NO LONGER LISTEN TO YOU,Slam The Door On Negativity,And Gracefully And Happily Open The Door To Positivity,It Will Change Ones Life.


Love this picture!!! :scream: :heart:

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Just replied a no go on my friend’s housewarming party and don’t even feel bad about it. Last time I had 30 days and decided to still go to a work party and have in and drank, nothing is worse than that feeling the the next day. If my friends know tat I’m in recovery and judge me for it, fine then. Putting myself first this time around. No more circling back.


@anon15155098 That’s right you got the right mindset.If they have any judgements against you Their judgements should mean absolutely nothing to you,Never Let anyone’s judgements demolish what you are trying to build for yourself.Never dismantle your self and your personal well being for other people’s pleasures.You are stronger than that,You are More Powerful than that,you never have to feel that disgusting feeling the next day again,You are unstoppable You will overcome this ,You Will Recover.

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Thanks You Natelm

Thank you friend.

I drank to fit in, I’ve never been part of any pack, , have always been strange and unique and I have always been shy and had social anxiety, so I drank, and then I drank because of all the pain my alcoholic father has caused me, he’s 67 and currently killing himself to death. I am so done, being a people pleaser and hurting myself in the end, plus the alcoholics in my immediate family should be enough of an example. Time to start loving myself.


Your Very Welcome My Friend

Yes it is time,You owe it to yourself,instead of saying these are the reasons why I drank,instead use those things as reasons NOT to drink.don’t take this the wrong way I’ve had to learn this myself,Never say I drink or drank because of him,or her, or my mom or dad etc.Because the truth of the matter is You And Me drank because it was Our choice,Not theirs,I did the same thing blaming my mother for leaving when I was young and my dad for never being a real dad and always being drunk,I was always like it’s their fault ,but in reality it was my own fault I made the choice to drink,I could have made the choice not to drink,But now We are making that choice NOT to drink.It’s nobody’s fault but our own And that’s ok.The more you say it’s other people’s fault the harder it will be to let go.because every time you think about them it will make you want to drink because of the emotions attached to it. Truly Forgive your father for what he has done so you can be set free and be at peace, The power of choice is intriguing.You will be just fine and you will overcome this I you said start loving yourself and start right now.


Oh I know it was my choice, what I was a saying is that I drank to drown my pain.

Ahh I see.well it sounds like you got the right mindset now and I’m very proud of you.We will all get threw this together

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The fact of the matter is that, when children grow up in an alcoholic home, they are most likely to pick up the habit themselves especially because alcoholism is a genetic disease. Yes, there are some people that have the gene and grow up normies, but not in my case. I drank because I like to party, I like to fly away from reality, because most of my reality has SUCKED. I am making the choice now to give myself a happy life in which I have all the energy and health to do whatever I want and mostly because I’m 37 and just over the party scene.

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He doesn’t deserve my forgiveness. When a father puts a knife to his daughters throat when she’s 34, he deserves NOTHING. He’s been out of my life because I kicked him out. My family is toxic and I’m sick and tired of being hurt by them. Not everyone has the same story.

Of course and that’s understandable if he makes you unhappy and makes your life miserable I agree keep him out of your life.But I still do recommend forgiving him,You don’t have to say it physical to him…but in your heart and mind truly forgive him,he may not deserve it,but YOU do,for the health of your mind and body.ask your self one day and wounder if you don’t already know,ask yourself why your father drinks what lead him to that destructive lifestyle,what happened so bad to him when he was younger or older to make him the way he you said everybody’s story isn’t the same…My father passed away 1 year 6 months ago at the ae of 67 years old from cirrhosis of the liver,and now I’ll never get a chance to know why he drank 'all the time or know what turned him into a alcoholic.I knew my father but I never got the chance to actually get to know my father because I resented him,maybe if I got to know him more and why he drank maybe I could have helped him maybe Evan saved him.but I made the wrong choice of not doing that and now,well it’s to late…Everybody deserves forgiveness.When you can learn how to forgive it will show how much you have grown as a indavidual.You will see how much more clear and happy your mind becomes.

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Some junkies are just junkies. My father literally has expressed to my mom and I that “he doesn’t give a shit” what we want and he’s going to do it if he like sit and yes, he’ll die before my mom and he doesn’t care. Just knowing him for him and the things he’s said, that’s why I feel the way I do. He’s a different animal than me. An evil one.

Well I’m sorry to hear that,dont let him distract you though.You keep on doin the right and keep staying strong.I promise you staying sober is way better than drinking

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@LucidDreamer your messages are very powerful! Thank you for sharing! I look forward to seeing and reading more from you.


Letting go of something is not as easy as I wish it was. It takes years to come to terms with what happened to us and we all move at a different rate. I too have read many books on forgiveness and I am a work in progress. My pain is still very fresh as a lot of things happened in the last 3 years and yes, I want peace and content for myself but it’s not easy nor is it instant. Thank you for your message, this is why I am in recovery, because I sure as heck wasn’t helping myself in ANY way by feeding the same addiction that my father has, looking at how HIS life turned out.

I can do this, at my own pace.