Advice for the Newcomer and Constant Relapser

Good call @aircircle!


This is a good one @Chris_UK :+1:

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This is all really great @Melrm thanks for taking this time. I like to try and check in somewhere at least once everyday, it really helps knowing that on this journey there are others walking a similar path ,
Life can seem a bit lonely sometimes, and I really want to be able to rely on myself and peoe like you are very encouraging. Thanks again x


Thank you @Melrm I will be checking this thread out whenever I’m really struggling - a really wonderful resource thank you for putting it together!! :cherry_blossom:


@NetoMx another good one here for you pal. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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I miss @Melrm a lot. Amazing person. Its been well over a year since she’s posted and i would love to hear from her again.


After reading your story, I can relate because that was the same attitude I had and I did just that. I gave up on my life and gave it to my father since I was destroying it and at that time I was not a believer. Finding god was the best thing that happened to me not just for my sobriety but also made me have a better look on who I was and helped with my hard head. Everyday I struggle not with just addiction but everyday functions and knowing my faith and I can ask in prayer for help is so much support to me. Nice to meet you hope to chat again.

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Greatly apreciate the posts you place here, I have almost five months and just started looking here on this app!!!


I keep this thread on bookmark…it is one of my favorites. @Melrm is a star. :heart:


@KevinesKay and @SassyRocks i agree! she was wonderful on here and her posts helped me a great deal.


@Swam I hope your getting these!
And for you @Defxs🙂

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@Quentin here!

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Chase your recovery as hard as chases your high. Everyday instead of hustling to get money for booze or pills use that energy and chase your recovery. Journaling helps also, write down how you feel and as much as it may hurt chance your circle of friends


Love this :slight_smile:

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Amazing thread - how do we bookmark


That’s a good point… Create a new life where DOC is not in the missing gap… So it’s not missed…

Press the three dots under the original post, then a couple of new icons show up. The bookmark is the one furthest to the right :blush:

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Play the tape all the way through!
This is my favorite saying when I have urges and keeps me from using. We have to remind ourselves of the consequences before we pick up.


This right here has given me a lot of hope and sense of realization. I’m a new member here and only around 6 hours sober, and this has honestly given me hope that I thought didn’t exist in me. Thank you!!


Hi Melrm
Thank you very much for sharing this amazing advice.