Advice regarding ppl taunting me due to drinking

Hello. I went from January through February about 29 days sober. I got stressed and pressured and was being called an alcoholic over and over while I was sober and finally I feel that just hit so hard that I just started to drink again. I’ll go 2-3 days sober then I’m back drinking. I get mad and angry when I drink and take it out of people. I don’t know why that is but I do know I have trauma from a younger age.
Does anyone ever have this? what do you do to stop the cravings and if someone taunts you regarding my drinking as I try to stay sober?


You stay the heck away from them! Who are these people? When i first got sober literally anyone or anything that could jeopardise my sobriety were out which included my own mother…i sarrounded myself only with supportive people and stayed away from booze completely for 3 months…if these preople arent helping then stay away is my advice, stick around here with us…we all understand and will support you, im glad u came back to this amazing site you are so very welcome here :heart: :people_hugging:


What starlight said.No one else’s opinion matters. Also quit giving into your own excuses, its the alcohol talking. If you don’t go through everyday with the iron clad mindset that you will not drink again, you will find your self drinking. That devil on out shoulders will eventually convince us if we even let let him talk. Tell that demon to shut the heck up and start healing.


First of all, those people sound like total assholes that clearly have something wrong with them if they feel the need to bring other people down. Second, what helped me was when I admitted to myself and completely, 100% accepted the fact I was alcoholic. If someone asks why I don’t drink, I tell them why. It hasn’t happened to me, but if someone were to say “Haha, you’re an alcoholic :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:” My response would be “Uhm…yeah…and your point?” I look my disease in the face every day so it won’t win. You’re stronger than you know :muscle: All the best


It’s like drinking out of spite for those people, but really it’s just hurting yourself.

Step away from those bell-ends you don’t need them in your life


Yes. Those people are enabling trash and should be avoided.


Fuck those people. That’s sick and anyone who would do that is someone you should stay far away from. Those aren’t your friends. Those are people who are trying to keep you in your addiction because it fits whatever grotesque need they have. You’ll probably achieve sobriety much smoother if you cut them out. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this!


:100: I get called a junkie all the time especially because how widely my story has been shared and I respond the same “ I’m not sure if you think I find the term junkie offensive, but I don’t. You’re correct, I am a junkie and pray I always remember that, because I am one decision away from ending up right back in the gutter.

  • a junkie :heart: “ lol! That’s literally how I respond. F those fools

You’re hanging out with the wrong people. Your sobriety is much more important than them!


Proove them wrong by your actions and focus on you now. You and your path to sobriaty.
If you can avoid those people then do so. If not give them some boundaries if you can.
Ask them to support you instead.

For me cravings where better to handle when I kept myself busy. So in the beginning of my recovery I walked loads. It’s still a big part of my recovery, because the work in recovery never stops. A hot shower ore bath helped me as well.
Here is a thread I made years ago with the things that I did to get sober. Pick out the things you wanna try yourself. Recovery for me was and is trial and error. It’s not a custom fits all beside some big simularities. So try to add stuff and keep what work and trow away the rest. You will end up with your own sober toolbox :wink:
2 years sober and what helped me to get there: I’m still sober, more then 5 years now. Not to bragg but to tell you it can be done.

Choose not picking up the first one, because we deffinitely can’t say no to the second one :hugs:
You can do it, see you around! :raising_hand_woman:


Thank you all! I thought it was just me. The more I see and hear you all it does show a lot about him and I do need to get him out of my life. I feel that he wanted me to stay in this alcoholic state of mind to control me and that’s also what he has been doing. I appreciate everyone here and I’m hoping to continue with my sobriety and prove him wrong and also get him out of my life. Which I’ve been trying for the last month and he’s not leaving but I may have to go the legal route. But first and foremost I need to take care of me and not him
Or help him with his children. Thanks again for all the positive feedback :pray:t3:


Thank you! I have been searching for different things to keep myself busy and trying to get back into hiking which I’ve always loved to do.


Yeah, perhaps I am a bit different cause anyone that taunted (??) me would be on the other end of a “you can go f*ck yourself”
Me and bullies (??) don’t play well together. That said peoples opinions of me are of no concern to me.
What is the saying? People’s opinion of me is none of my business.
Anyway, best of luck and tell those shitheads right where to go. Focus on what you need and don’t give those others a second thought.


Stop going to the places you drank…and find new friends…those ones arnt helping you…


Thank you! Your right they are bullies (didn’t realize it) and I will do just that. Been sober for 4 days now. And I plan to prove them wrong and keep working on myself.


Im sorry people taunt you. I get this from my S.O. which is super shitty. We fight over my level of drunkiness to me saying ok, I have to stop for good, to hours later S.O. placing a shot and a beer in front of my face saying oh you’re not going to drink? Of coarse my spite got the better of me and the cycle repeats…

Just say no! Don’t give them the satisfaction of watching you lose


This is exactly what I have been dealing with. But it’s my BF. I say not then he has beers in the garage asking me to come get one. But then uses it against me. Then I try to get sober which I have been 10 days alcohol free now. But during those sober days (longest was 30) he would taunt me and call me names as if he wants me to continue to be in that state of mind of being drunk. I have a counselor and she tells me he wants the control and keep me weak. Not only with the drinking but with my I’ll see I have to deal with. I will continue to stay strong and I pray to win and show him otherwise. I want to show him that I don’t need him and I can be healthy without him. I just need to get rid of him. The times that I have he blamed it all in me and “fine you will be a drunk all your life”. I want to be able to walk from this and he can’t call me that and if he tries he can than F off and find someone else to manipulate and belittle (he’s also loves to gaslight) and I’ve figured this out from also my counselor. This is certainly unhealthy for me to be around some like that. Thank you for your encouragement :pray:t3:


Nailed it! Its all about the control. I actually sat my first 2 days sober reading: why does he do that? By lundy bancroft. Good read, eye opening, makes me sad actually.

Somedays I wonder if my drinking lead to this full on resentment he seems to have or if these behaviors have always been there and I drank to numb it away. I’ve decided to stay sober, try my damnest to not give in to his taunts and see where that leads our relationship. Side note: I started drinking when I went through a nasty divorce about the same time I met my current SO in a bar.


Your choosing sobriety threatens his power, makes him feel weaker than he already is. More power to you! It’s not about him, but your journey of a better life.

Be selfish about your sobriety, go after it with all you’ve got and leave the doubters behind. You’ve got this!:muscle:

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Thank you :pray:t3: