2 years sober and what helped me to get there:

2 days ago I celebrated my 2 years sober again. Again, because years ago I had a long stretch of sober days too but relapsed after 5 years.
My doc is alcohol. I started to drink when I was 16 year or so and it increased in my student days. I noticed I had a problem around the aged of 30 I guess. Tried to quit multiple times but couldn’t get more then 30 days sober :pensive:
Decided to give myself an ultimatum: 1 year.
1 year to get sober myself otherwise I would go to see my doctor and ask for help.
I search for a sober forum on the web and found one in Dutch and signed in. Stayed sober for 5 years, relapsed and had my final day one at 18-09-2018.
This is what helped me, maybe it helps someone out here too:

  • No alcohol in my house for the first 3 months of my recovery
  • No alcohol related events for the first 3 months of my recovery (so no: pub, festival, restaurant, concert, etc)
  • Inform my family and close friends about my sober plan so they can support me and don’t offer me drinks.
  • Avoid the wine/beer section in the supermarket
  • Fill my refrigerator with healthy foods and alcohol free drinks.
  • Buy enough chocolate and sweets to eat for when I have cravings.
  • Look for activaties and hobbies to fill in time. Like walking in nature, run, reading, watch Netflix, listen to recovery podcast (recovery elevator is a good one :wink:), work out, gardening, studying something new, etc.
  • Reduce social media to protect myself
  • Getting a day counter on my phone and smart watch to focus on my amount on sober days.
  • Getting myself a sober peer group to support me in my recovery like TS ore AA.
  • Getting myself a meditation app filled with breathing exercizes and meditation. (Insight timer for example)
  • If I have cravings I try to find out where they come from using H.A.L.T

    If that won’t work I come to TS and talk about it. But sometimes just reading all your stories help :grin:
  • I used a vitamin B complex supplement to get more energy during the day. Also I used a melatonin supplement to help me with my sleeping problems in the first few months.
  • Celebrated every milestone! I gave myself a small gift like cake ore a nice t shirt ore whatever to celebrate my effort. At least in my first year I needed that! And gave myself a big gift when I reached my one year: a big back piece tattoo!! :star_struck:
  • And last but not least: make it as small as possible. Focus on today. Today is douable! If you do that day after day you will get that long sober stretch.

Pffff…that was a long talk…
Did you read it all?
Then I’m proud of you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Thank you for being my sober peer group!!
I’m sober also because all of you!! :pray:


Love this Claudia. A shining example to us all.


Thank you for sharing and congrats on two years!

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wow, that is helpful, thanks for sharing!

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Love this :heartbeat: Congratulations on 2 years :partying_face::partying_face:
Great list of tips too

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Well done on 2 years!

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So very happy for you and your 2 years!! It is a pleasure sharing this journey with you!! I love your list!! Well done!!! So much to be proud of!! :heart::heart::heart:

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Love love love!!! So happy for you!! It’s been an honor, inspiration, and pleasure following your journey!


Congratulations on 2 years Claudia.
I just celebrated 1 year sober. Our sober dates are a year apart.
yay ballons


I always appreciate when you post that list, @SoberWalker. Congrats on two years. @Lisa07, I didn’t congratulate you in the check-in thread, so sorry for the hijack, but so happy for your 1-year of sobriety. Both of you ladies are just awesome!


Wow. First of all, Congrats!! and thank you for sharing all of that, it was extremely helpful for me to hear what has worked for you.

I’m going to take all the other points and apply them to what I’m already doing, but I found that this one :point_up_2: was so relatable. Especially for someone with anxiety, the best advice I have ever received was to just take it one day at a time. However I like the way you put it more…”Make it as small as possible.”

Thanks again, congrats again, and have a great one :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you @LeeHawk!

Happy birthday! Congratulations!

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Congratulations on 2 years Claudia :clap: :raised_hands:. What is different in your sobriety this time? What are the biggest differences you notice between the first and second year? I’ll be hitting my 1 year mark next month (unless i fuck up) so im always curious what ppl notice between year 1 and 2. Nice :ok_hand: job, well done!




When I was getting sober, I had to check in at the police station every morning and give a breath sample. This lasted 5 months. I learned to stay sober from when I awoke in the morning until I went to sleep at night. About 16 or 18 hours. With work and commuting and AA meetings, I was left with 6 or 7 hours per day to deal with. That was very manageable, far more so than 24 hours or even “forever”.

@SoberWalker, do you know how many times I shared your list of rules for getting sober with new folks? You have helped many more people than you know! Thank you for sharing your journey with us.:heart:


Congratulations Claudia!! You helped so much in my journey, thank you :kissing_heart:
I’ve bookmarked your post. Such good points :pray:


congratulations. you have always been inspiring :revolving_hearts:


Super! Good job girl. Zo gaat ie goed :notes::+1:


Congrats! You have been a huge inspiration!