Aftermath of a funeral

Day 5 - tough day - buried my auntie today - didn’t drink at the funeral but really want to now I’m home! Big Irish family all Sri king and reminiscing - I felt totally left out. So I came home early to avoid temptation
Determined not too - last time I saw my auntie she told me to stay strong - that we were strong women in our family!


Sorry for your loss Sarahpatsy. I too buried an uncle before year’s end. The hardest part about doing that sober was everything was too real. Hit me hard and I had to take it for what it was without anything to numb the pain. Friggin difficult but you can do this. Maybe offer your sobriety to the memory of your aunt.


Then you go it alone on the road to sobriety and recovery. We are here for you and with you especially at this difficult time. Please stay on track, xoxoxo


Hi Sarah,
My condolences to you. I am sorry for your loss. I feel for you. You honoured your aunts wish and stayed sober. We are here to listen and give you support. Stay strong. Stay sober. Embrace the grief. Trust me, you will feel stronger. You can do it. Much love.


So sorry for your loss of your aunt. :heart: I had a friend here talk to me the day of my grandfathers funeral and it allowed me to break the pattern of drinking in the really emotionally hard times.

They said, if you drink today you will remember the relapse instead and not the celebration of your grandfathers life like you should. And, they were dead on but I hadn’t thought of that before so now I’m sharing that with you as that helped me. Hugs!


God thank you so much all of you! That has given me so much to think about! I can imagine what she would have said to me if got drunk and she was here! She wouldn’t judge but I know she’d be disappointed! She had been so worried about me - I’m gonna think of her here with me tonight - I can’t drink with her here!
I’m so grateful for all your support xxxxxx :heart:


So sorry for your loss xxx

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I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. You honored her, and your relationship with her, in the best of ways today. I’m guessing that she probably knows that somehow and is cheering you on.:heart:

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In AA we call it “smart feet”, the idea of going to a meeting (or reaching out on TS) when you’re in pain.

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I can’t say how overwhelmed I feel and how determined you’ve all made me feel - only Vimto zero being sunk here!

Honestly thank you all for your support


sincere condolences, stay strong…its too easy to give in to temptation :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

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Sorry for your loss :cry:

I let that be my mantra if I were you: you are a strong woman! You stay sober for yourself and for your aunt :facepunch:
And I would like to sent you a big hug. Losing someone you love sucks…

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